time-lapse in digital camera

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I'm seeking to take a dawn to dusk series of time-lapse photos at 15-30 minute increments unattended. Does anyone know of a digital camera that comes equipped to do this? Or better yet, has experience doing this. I'll be shooting landscapes in fairly remote areas. Thanks in advance Hugh Bridgeford

-- hugh bridgeford (hughb@well.com), June 01, 1998


Don's right - the 220 has it, as does the 260. At a lower price-point, the Casio QV-700 also does time-lapse, albeit at lower resolution.

One thing you may find with any of these cameras (haven't played with the 220/260 yet) is that the autoexposure will to some extent defeat what you're trying to do with the dawn-to-dusk series: It will try to make all the shots come out the same brightness level. (This happened to me when I played with the QV-700, trying for a sunset sequence.) You can always adjust after the fact in Photoshop, but that's a bit of a pain...

-- Dave Etchells (web@imaging-resource.com), June 03, 1998.

The upcoming Kodak DC-220 will have this feature.

-- don gobeil (kkw@cybertours.com), June 03, 1998.

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