Forum Mechanics: Overview (Please read if this software's new to you) : LUSENET : Oregon Project : One Thread


The first thing to say about using this forum software is that while it's probably some of the most powerful software I've ever encountered, using it is very easy and simple (which is part of what makes it so powerful).

The second thing to say is, "Remember when you first started using computers?" You may have been one of those people who didn't want to do anything wrong for fear of breaking something. I've taught introductory computer classes, and that was always the first issue/stumbling block that had to go. I'd tell people that when it comes to hurting a computer and the software, the number one thing to remember is not to spill coffee or pop on the keyboard. "If you can avoid that, you should be all right." Same basic thing goes here.

On the most basic, common use level, this software is a simple process of clicking on a link, reading, clicking on another link, typing (or pasting things in), and repeating the process. Really. That's all there is to it. Amazing, advanced things can be done with it too, but most people won't need or want to even think about that stuff.

There are a set of basic intructions you can read by clicking on the "About" link near the top of the main forum page. Reading that, and spending about a half an hour looking around, clicking links, and maybe even trying to "Contribute an answer..." (or comment, or piece of pertinent information), should have you feeling mostly at home...

There is also a set of more extensive online directions you can utilize by clicking here. You probably won't need them (check "About" first), but they'll be here if you do.

Here are just a few of the major features of this software that make it so useful for projects like this and communication in general:

This note could be 10 pages long, but that should be enough to get you started and give you some basic insight into why I'm so crazy about this particular program. Why I believe it's such an appropriated, powerful tool. I hope you enjoy it, get a lot of mileage out of it, and find it useful as can be.

Good luck with it!


An Important P.S. For purely technical/mechanical reasons, please don't spread word of this software around at this point. Given what I've just said, that may sound strange, but the long an short of it is that the server the software runs on is reaching the limits of it capabilities of handling the traffic. Which reminds me: You may, from time to time, encounter "busy signals," or, occasionally, other odd problems. You may go to post or read something and find that nothing happens. Be patient. That's the technical/mechanical problem in operation. I always click "Stop" on my browser and go do something else for a few minutes. I'm real busy working to solve that problem for those of us attempting to cope with y2k, but for now, just be aware of that traffic problem, and please don't add to it by spreading the word around at this point. Thanks.

-- Bill Dale (, May 30, 1998

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