Biographical Sketches & Contacts : LUSENET : Oregon Project : One Thread

This thread is a place to put a sketch of yourself, and whatever contact information you're comfortable providing. While part of the idea here is the more "formal" thing associated with the postings in the "Endorsement" section, another big reason for it is for everyone involved in this project to gain a sense of the others involved. It can also be a place for us to let people know what areas we're interested or experienced in that might come in handy when it comes to this project, or dealing with y2k in our community in general.

And by the way... No need to be intimidated here. Everyone has interests, talents, skills. For instance, you may not be an "influencial executive" or administrator or anything along those lines, buy you may be one heck of a gardener of backyard mechanic or poet who might be able to add a unique perspective or nice touch to a future article or pamphlet the project generates. There is absolutely no shortage of needs when it comes to dealing with y2k, and us having a centralized place to gain a sense of who's involved, what we're familiar with, what we enjoy, and what we may be willing to do will really help. So don't be shy!

You can write up your sketch in your word processor or email program and add it to this thread by copying it and pasting it into the text entry box that will come up when you click the "Contribute an answer to..." link below.

Thank-you for your willingness to be involved!


-- Cynthia (, May 30, 1998

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