Titanic on NBC?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread

Is the "Titanic" that's playing on NBC this Sunday the same one as the miniseries in 1996? Thanks,

Chris Kilroy

-- Chris Kilroy (Chrisk757@aol.com), May 18, 1998


Yes, I believe so, Chris. I sincerely doubt they would be broacasting the 1953 version called TITANIC, since it is a regrettable piece of shit. The only other Titanic movies with the title TITANIC are the ones with George C. Scott playing the captain and Cameron's. And I know I don't have to tell you that it is certainly not Cameron's. So unless someone made a new tv mini-series without telling us, I'd have to say that it is the one with George C. Scott.

-- Ed (e3916@aol.com), May 19, 1998.

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