Best camera in $500-600 range? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I'm looking into buying a digital camera without going over $600. I prefer a megapixel. Any suggestions?

-- Lance Gardner (, May 13, 1998


B&H ( has the D-320L on special now for $529, plus there's a Olympus promo that gets you a free FlashPath adapter with that. Not a megapixel at 1024x768 but a great value!

-- Ben Jackson (, May 29, 1998.

The Casio 5000SX, reviewed on this site, lists at $599 and can be purchased at BuyCom for about $525. I can go up to maybe $800 and yet this may be the camera I get. (I'm also considering the Epson PhotoPC, list $699, coming out in June). I haven't actually seen that the 500SX is in stock anywhere, but probably in the next couple weeks.

-- Rick Fleming (, May 29, 1998.

Kodak has refurbished DC210 cameras for $499. The DC210 is a nice camera with 2x zoom, etc.

-- John McHugh (, August 24, 1998.

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