Titanic ticket photo? {Anyone seen one / have one?}

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread

Does or has anyone seen a photo of an Titanic ticket (1st, second or third class.) Shouldn't be too hard to find right... Wrong. Thanks in advance for any help.

-- John Palmeri (the_user@emeraldnet.net), May 08, 1998


I found this site while looking for a copy of a Titanic ticket, don't know if it will help http://www.maineantiquedigest.com/articles/tit0599.htm


-- Joe Dawson (hotdogbun69@hotmail.com), December 18, 2001.

I have in my possession a copy of a first class ticket which belonged to a gentleman who disembarked at Cobh, then Queenstown, Ireland.

-- Oliver Murphy (oliver-murphy@lycos.com), March 28, 2004.

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