are you old enough? : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Film & Processing : One Thread

As a novice buying a used enlarger, it didn't occur to me that the Durst femomask m 601 was a problem due to its glass negative holder. I am told that this is a 1974 model, and at there is a metal insert for the negative holder so I wouldn't have to use the glass (you can imagine the dust problems in my basement....)Only the largest vendor in Chicago told me he bought the Durst metal insert inventory years ago, its gone so good luck now! I thought that before I slit my throat and/or bought another enlarger I would see if anyone had it laying around.

-- linda cooper (, May 08, 1998


Try "The Darkroom Guy" at He carries an extensive selection of Durst enlarger parts. If he has what you need I imagine it would cost about $20.00 + shipping. Frank B.

-- Frank Bowing (, February 13, 1999.

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