Sepia toning method : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

Is fixing a print without hardner and then hardening it after sepia toning the correct method. Or does fixing the print with hardener (Rapid fixer), toning and then fixing again with hardner work just as well?

-- Ken Proper (, May 07, 1998


There is no reason to use hardener for prints. Fixing in hardening fixer makes the print harder (or impossible) to tone. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions for whatever toner you are using. If you need to tone prints that have been hardened, you can remove the hardener with a de-hardening solution. The formula is in Steve Anchell's Darkroom Cookbook. An indespenable book for anyone doing serious darkroom work.

-- Michael D Fraser (, May 09, 1998.

Kodak recommends using a hardening solution after treatment with their Brown Toner. If it is not used, the print will tend to change color and fade during a lengthy wash.

-- Ed Buffaloe (, January 20, 1999.

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