Red Caboose Flat : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread |
Riverdale Station has Red Caboose flat cars decorated for the C of Ga. Are these correct for "Central" cars? If so, we should support them by buying lots of these cars. I think they are in four different numbers. Todd Horton
-- Todd Horton (, May 02, 1998
Todd,I listed my e-mail address incorrectly.
-- Richard Cole (, February 10, 1999.
Todd, I asked Bob at Riverdale Station before I purchased my flatcar from him. He said that not only were they correct but that he had contributed the drawings for them. By the way Bob is working on getting a C of G caboose kit to be done. It will be a laser cut wood kit.
-- Richard Cole (, February 10, 1999.