Friday (4/24) Box Office - "Titanic" 4th : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread

4/24 #1 BIG HIT: 3,860,000 Total: 1,7963,860
4/24 #2 CITY OF ANGELS: 2,725,000 Total: 40,270,000
4/24 #3 OBJECT OF MY AFFECTION: 1,685,000 Total: 85913,618,000
4/24 #4 TITANIC: 1,280,000 Total: 556,957,000

-- Dan Draghici (, April 25, 1998


I made a mistake above. The correct 3rd line should be:

4/24 #3 OBJECT OF MY AFFECTION: 1,685,000 Total: 13,618,000

-- Dan Draghici (, April 25, 1998.

Response to Friday (4/24) Box Office - "Titanic" 4th

Take note that Lost In Space has dropped below Titantic for the first time and that all of the films seem to be off from 30-50% from last friday. Titanic is also playing in 100 fewer theaters then last week. Go out and see it again'

-- michael pitt (, April 25, 1998.

Thanks, Michael. Actually, I'm going to see the movie tomorrow. It took me months to convince two friends of mine to see it. Now they gave in...

-- Dan Draghici (, April 25, 1998.

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