How to organise this event? : LUSENET : Burning Man : One Thread

Hi, I am a student of architecture in london. I am curious how the event is organised, e.g Who design the burning man? How long does it take fo r the components to be made? Do you have an agenda for the whole event? If yes can you please tell me? I am working on a project which is a BBQ gathering for 30,000 people. However, i am not sure how the whole thing would actually be carried out. Would you please give me a reply as soon as possible? Thank you very much for your help. Winky, London

-- Winky Wong (, April 22, 1998


i think they organised the burning man by bringing out the gimp!

-- nick dwyer (, November 01, 2004.

How to create your own Burning Man

This is simple idea, like the invention of the wheel, once realized, its obvious. Take your ordinary bonfire, but first, using the wood normally thrown in a heap, carefully sculpt it into a human form. Add flammable liquid and then match. Dont forget to invite friends. Do it again a year latte

-- Burning Dan (, January 21, 1999.

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