CAMERAS FOR COMPLETE BEGINNERS : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread


I am a complete beginner to Black and White photograph and I am looking to buy a camera in the price range #100-#150 ($150-$225).

I am thinking of buying a Centon K-100 (a manual with a 50mm lens). Does anyone know if this would be a good camera for a beginner, or could you suggest alternative makes in a similar price range.

Thanks a lot in advance for your help.


-- Chris Tracey (, April 13, 1998


I guess this question got lost in the series of fascinating discussions before and after it. I was hoping a camera enthusiast would write in and tell us who manufactures Centon. I have never heard of the brand and therefore I must strongly caution you against purchasing it since you may find that you have no choice of lenses or parts for repairs. You will find that there are plenty of good used SLR cameras available in your price range and the popular brands to consider are Canon, Minolta, Nikon, Olympus and Pentax. I would recommend that you stick to these.

-- Andy Laycock (, April 15, 1998.

I've heard of Centon, but can't think where. Perhaps Dixon's own brand? (Dixon's is a UK retail chain.)

I second Andy's advice: any manual second-hand SLR from a major manufacturer. #150 will get you a nice Nikon F and lens.

-- Alan Gibson (, April 15, 1998.

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