buying titanic stuff {J. Peterman catalog} : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread

I've heard anbout a catologue that sells t-shirts and posters and stuff, and also the dresses actually worn by Kate Winslet. If anybody knows about this catlologue, and how I couls get my titanic lovin' paws on it, please help me out!!!

-- Emily Locke White (, April 05, 1998


Response to buying titanic stuff

It's the J Peterman catalogue:

They've got a glass heart of the ocean for $198, posters and shirts. They sold Kate's dresses already.

-- Cindy (, April 05, 1998.

I love Titanic I can't believe they are selling Kate's dresses that would be awsome if i could have them

-- Sammi Marie D'Amico (, February 01, 2003.

I have the dressing gown from J Peterman that is brand new. If anyonw is interested.


-- Melyssa Laughlin (, November 06, 2003.

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