North Buttress Mt.Goode : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread

I'm looking for any info/descriptions of the N. Buttress route on Mt. Goode. Is it a quality route ? The only thing I have to go on is "Sierra Classics" by Moynier & Fiddler.

-- Dave Grenda (, April 03, 1998


I retreated from the top of the 4th pitch in the face of a thunderstorm last summer. The first two pitches are OK. fairly clean granite. Some shattered sections. Pitch 3 is has an interesting move arround a broad arete followed by a chimney. After the chimney there is a VERY loose gulley that runs about 30m up the route.There was so much shatttered rock that the protection wasn't worth placing at times, though you can get in a few solid larger pieces. This section is also technically easy (4th class). At the top of the gulley is a small notch which we retreated from. The crack above there looks GREAT! The rock really looked like it got better after this point.It also looked like the technical crux (5.9) was just above in a nice hand crack. I'm sure its better than the gulley.

A second party summited ahead of us and probably did the route in 5 or 6 hours (they looked like solid 5.10 leaders)

We attempted to do the route in a day from the car. This is definately possible and not unreasonable. In addition, you don't have to hassle with permits this way.

Bring yer helmets too.

Hope this helps.


-- Jim Hirshfield (, May 02, 1998.

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