Using Digital Equipment in the Field - Info Needed : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread

I'm presently developing a course in digital photography here in Ireland. Although it will not be aimed specifically at photojournalism I'd be interested in hearing comments from working photographers using digital equipment, particularly with regard to any of the following areas:

The basic set-up to shoot and wire the results The overall performance and reliability of the digital approach in the field The cons of using this stuff

Any comments or suggestions on the above would be appreciated as they may help to focus the development of future courses.

Many thanks

Gary Crighton Digital Media Centre Dublin Ireland

-- Gary Crighton (, March 26, 1998


Dear Gary, I already sent you 1 message I am just making sure you've got it. In case you did sorry to bother you again and repeat myself: Basicaly, I' m wrtiting my dissertation on this area and would like to share and exchange informations with you. hope to hear from you soon stephanie

-- Stephanie Belingard (, July 29, 1998.

Dear Gary, I am a photojournalist working in Western Australia.During an average day I can find myself miles ( and I do mean miles just look at a map of this place) from anywhere, and 2 -3 hours behind the rest of Australia. I have been using Digital cameras now for nearly 2 years , usually on news assignments and sporting events, if I can help please contact me and I'll try my best. So far Digital cameras coupled with a Mac lap top and a mobile telephone have helped me beat my opposition on many occassions, and I am gradually getting used to the small file sizes, and the fact that there are no negatives. Good Luck, Tony.

-- Tony McDonough (, August 08, 1998.

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