Got Milk? : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread

James Cameron is on the newest milk ad! The caption reads:

I like to float big chunks of ice in mine.


Isn't it interesting how before Titanic came out and starting being REALLY successful, Cameron was considered to be completely unlikable and a tyrant. Now $1 billion dollars and 11 oscars later, everyone is scrambling to be associated with him. He's definitely King of the World...

-- crystal smithwick (, March 24, 1998


The news brief said you could see the ad in todays USA today.

-- crystal smithwick (, March 24, 1998.

At this one website, somebody made up a Kate Winslet milk ad. The address is:

The caption that person made up reads: "I asked Leo to teach me how to ride like a man, spit like a man, and drink milk like a man! That's how we get our strong, healthy bones to conquer the Titanic."

-- Jennifer (, March 24, 1998.

Hi All: here is a site to get some video clips of the awards and Cameron's "press conference" afterward.

Regards, Peter

-- Peter Nivling (, March 24, 1998.

Maybe "Titanic" is going to make Cameron more likable, but he's still a 'tyrant and completely unlikable' egomaniac. King of the World he's NOT. I was offended by this particular comment - goes to show he's full of hot air, although his tribute to victims of Titanic compensated a bit. Still, as much as I admire his work, I can's stand the guy.

-- JoeyAngel (, March 25, 1998.

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