Tangerine Trip

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread

I am doing the Trip on April 23. Anyone have any beta? Thankyou.

-- Ronnie Miller (dylan-miller@juno.com), March 21, 1998


Hey Ronnie -- I did T. Trip last June. You'll find good beta and a gear list on FISH's web page. The 1st 4 pitches were pretty damp and dripping even in mid June, so not sure what they'll be like in late April. It's a good route w/ climbing similar to, although somewhat harder than Zodiac. A bit spoiled by the long bolt ladders high up on the route (take plenty of rivet hangers and 1/4" wingnuts). Take duct tape for those sharp edges. P5 really is killer!

-- Mark Taylor (mark.p.taylor@dartmouth.edu), March 23, 1998.

Some 1/4 inch hangers are nice to have to beef up belays. Definately take along those wingnuts. 5th pitch is definately quality while the 14th was choss. Great route overall.

-- Wade Griffith (Wade@uwyo.edu), April 11, 1999.

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