monashee/selkirk alpine climbs : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread

I am interested in any information anyone might have regarding alpine climbs in the Monashees and Selkirks of British Columbia. Especially in the vicinity of Revelstoke and Rodger's pass. If anybody knows or could recommend guidebooks or has any route descriptions, please let me know.I have not been able to find out any information on this unique area.

-- Brennan Henderson (, March 12, 1998


I spent 4 weeks climbing in the Austerity/Adamants area of the Selkirks in '87 and found it quite amazing. There are several big walls in the grade V range and long free climbs on beautiful granite. There are also some ice couliors (600 meters perhaps?)that were excellent. I've never seen an article other than in Climbing Magazine in the mid 80's. The area is similar to the Bugaboos but with fewer routes, no guide book that I know of, and few crowds. We saw absolutely nobody during the entire month of August! I would go back in heartbeat.

-- Dan Mathews (, May 07, 1998.

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