Ranger 9 weston

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

I would like to know details about the Weston Ranger 9. Also I need this meter for one of my students. Please if you want to part from this meter state your offer We have many Weston Masters in service again.... Any body can help ?

-- WFPA (wfpa@johndesq.com), March 10, 1998


The Weston Ranger Nine came out early 1966 and was produced for perhaps six years. It has an eighteen degree acceptance angle and a optical viewfinder that deleniates the area measured. It uses two 1.4 volt mercury cells. When Modern Photography tested it, they found that it would read accurately to within a third of a stop from 3.5 seconds at F/1.4 to the top of it's scale, which they noted was the most accurate meter they had tested to that time. That measurement range was with ASA 400 film. Unfortunately, for various reasons, it failed in the marketplace against the Gossen Luna-Pro and caused the cessation of Weston Meter production in this country, although to this day selenium cell Westons are still made in the UK.

-- Guy Ulrich (spareparts1@rocketmail.com), August 16, 1998.

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