Coupons and Discounts : LUSENET : S-Mart Shopping Cart : One Thread

I desparately need to add a feild in my order form or somewhere in the cart that will SUBTRACT a coupon or discount value. What I am looking for is to have a separate TXT file with 2 sections for each line. One for the coupon or discount ID number and then next to it, the value of it.

Example: SM563P|1.95 GR625D|10% HY7367|5.00

If anyone can help me add this into my S-Mart, please tell me how or what to do. Thanks!

-- Scott Moore (, March 08, 1998


Dear sir,

I have been consider having discount function or cupon function in s- mart, could anybody sucessfully modify it?

Any help will be greatly appreicated.


-- austin (, July 30, 2000.


-- sdf (, July 30, 2000.

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