Direction of digital : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread |
I am researching a dissertation into the effects of digital photography on various areas of the media. I am particularly interested in news. I would appriciate it if anyone could let me know if they have any opinions on the dirction that it is taking, esspecially if they see any problems in the future.
-- Sangeeta Chauli (, February 25, 1998
Hello Sangeeta, i doing my dissertation onthe same topic and would love to exchange information with you if you're interested. Hope to hear from you very soon Steph
-- Stephanie Belingard (, July 29, 1998.
hi, i'm writing a paper on the advantages that the world wide web is giving to photojournalists, and in particular to free-lance photojournalists. if you have info and the time to write please contact me soon.
-- adam margerison (, August 23, 1998.
I am preparing my thesis on the topic of digital technology and its influence to photojouralism. I am a freelance photographer. I love to exchange some my points about the digital technology and photojournalism with all of you. Please email me, if we can exchange ideas or share some thoughts, that'd be wonderful. Thank you, everyone.
-- Jamason Chen (, December 09, 1999.
hi, i'm tommaso and i' going to make my first reportage on a public housing settlement in my hometown Bari (south italy): i'm going to put my images on digital support and build an hypertext on the quartier; so the question for me is- I love b/w foto and the traditional print system but if i'm going to put photos on the net perhaps it's better or more coherent to use a digital camera: well,i never used it so i really don't know what if the difference. did you had the same problems? please write me at
-- tommaso (, May 10, 2000.
As a newspaper photographer who has used both conventional and digital capture, I can tell you that digital photography is a perfect match for photojournalism. And I would bet that all of the other journalists would same the same thing. If you need any further information you can email me; I would suggest a "check list" of questions that pertains to your research.
-- Mike DiCarlo Photography (, August 06, 2003.
I am a male photo-journalist with The DailyNEWS of Zimbabwe.I would like to hear more from you particularly on digital photo-journalism.I hope to hear more from u guys, many thanks.
-- Philimon Bulawayo (, January 27, 2004.