Milepost Numbering : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

As my friend asked, did I say 125? I had a collapse of memory. The mile post was 425 in Andalusia, AL, again as he said about the distance to HQ in Savannah, anyway, if anyone has info that this is correct/incorrect, let me know.

-- Al Pelham (, February 18, 1998


The old CG cast concrete mileposts had an "S" as the prefix to the mile number; indicating "miles from Savannah." Believe there were two lines that didn't follow this milepost numbering. The R-line from Columbus to Raymond was measured from Columbus (CG mileposts had "C" as the prefix). The O-line (the BV&E) from Columbus to Hope (Americus) was also measured from Columbus (can anyone confirm the prefix on the CG mileposts?).

-- David Payne (, February 27, 1998.

Response to mileposts2

Zero mile post for the Central of Georgia Railway was at the passenger station in Savannah. According to the mileages between stations in the operating timetables in my collection, the mileage from Savannah to Andalusia (Savannah-Macon-Ft. Valley-Columbus-Andalusia) is 428.7, so the 425 milepost is likely the distance to Savannah.

Bob Hanson

-- Robert H. Hanson (, February 18, 1998.

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