Vote {hollywood reporter onLine poll} : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread

Titanic is losing to L.A. Confidential by 5%!! Go Vote. Now!

-- Colleen (, February 16, 1998


The poll form is down about halfway down the page...once you submit it, you'll see the page reload, this time with the percentages instead of 'radio buttons'.

-- Thomas M. Terashima (, February 16, 1998.

Titanic is still losing by 4%! Go vote now!

-- Jennifer (, February 17, 1998.

Too late, LA Confidential won already. Damn, why would so many people vote that way? Are we already seeing the "backlash" against Titanic that is predicted? It's as lame as the figure skating judges of the Olympics.

-- Dave Phillips (, February 18, 1998.

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