Optura still samples (e.g. PBentley pic's)greenspun.com : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread |
The Optura appears to have some very interesting attributes for nature photography stills ranging from closeups of flowers to long range shots of birds. 720x480 resolution isn't quite the limitation it appears, especially if the optics are sharp within that limit, and/or if the object moves, and/or if the airline has severe carry-on limits (like Qantas!!), etc...I've been looking for few good image files taken with the Optura. Are any of the Bentley stills from the Optura?? Does anyone on this forum know where to find good Optura still examples?? (Canon Optura marketing told me "We dont have anything like that" !@#$%^&)
-- Kenneth L. Bowles (Ken) (bowlesk@electriciti.com), February 12, 1998
Hi Ken, It's odd that Canon told you that. They loaned us an Optura and XL1 last December when we did the "Journey of the Magi" Live Expedition for Mungo Park. Here are some stills from the expedition:http://www.mungopark.com/199712/exp/images/12xrob01a.jpg http://www.mungopark.com/199712/exp/images/12xrob01f.jpg http://www.mungopark.com/199712/exp/images/12xrob05e.jpg
-- Jim Laurel (jplaurel@microsoft.com), October 16, 1998.