photojournalism vs commercial : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread |
Do you think that photojournalism in the mass media is evolving into commercial photography.
-- Joshua Farley (, January 26, 1998
The answer lies in the defination of `commercial photography,i.e. commercial,means-`for gain, and commercial photography means-photography for gain. Photojournalists sell photographs for publication enabling publishers to sell space to advertisers. So photojournalism is commercial photography!
-- Brian Carr (, March 06, 1999.
No. photojournalists couldnot included in commercial photographer.Yes they representing the photographer with news to inform to there reader.Defenateliy they sell the picture for publication house to get remuniration as their picture value.
-- Deependra Bajracharya (, August 01, 2004.