Does Ismay have living relatives? : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread |
My father suggested that perhaps making a movie that so realistically depicts the deaths of over a thousand people may be irresponsible to do at this time, because there are still living survivors. I responded that I thought the movie was really dedicated to the people who lost their lives, and that almost all of the victims were depicted very sympathetically. (Also that I'm glad the movie was made now, because I loved it!) However, the movie makes Ismay look like a real jerk. Does he have any living direct descendents? If so, have they given any feedback on the film?
-- Nonie Maus (n/a), January 21, 1998
After 85 years, it is (IMHO) more important to retell the story. Yes, there are still living survivors, but most of them were very young at the time of the sinking, and so hold no responsibility or notoriety.As for Ismay, history has already treated him harshly, so the film doesn't exaggerate his role. (From what I've read, he died a recluse, with no close relatives.)
-- Thomas M. Terashima (, January 22, 1998.
Kip: I stand corrected; I was thinking of the fact (?) that Ismay had few close friends at the end of his life.
-- Thomas M. Terashima (, January 22, 1998.
Actually, Tom, Ismay had two sons and two daughters. Lynch and Marschall noted in "Titanic: An Illustrated History" that Ismay's wife, Florence, and their younger children were taking an auto tour of Wales while Ismay was journeying to New York. Their oldest daughter, Margaret, had just returned to London from her honeymoon when she received word of the accident. So, it's not unlikely that he has some children or grandchildren living today.In "The Night Lives On," Walter Lord mentions that Ismay had at least one brother, Bower Ismay, who figures in a prominent Titanic myth. Bower Ismay owned a horse which finished first in the 1913 Derby at Epsom Downs, but was later disqualified. Somehow over time, the story has come down that the horse was owned by Bruce Ismay, and was disqualified because of Ismay's cowardly behavior on the Titanic.
Despite the fact that the British Board of Trade Inquiry officially exonerated him of any responsibility, Ismay was pilloried in both the UK and North America as a coward. He was forced out of his positions with IMM and White Star, and in his retirement forbade anyone to mention the Titanic in his presence.
-- Kip Henry (, January 22, 1998.
As in most films the truth is some what distorted. For instance in no way would a second class passenger, let alone a third class passenger be allowed to enter the first class area. In the film the romantic element can only be inaccurate. However it made a great film. During the trial it was made quite clear that Ismay actually helped people to board the boats. He was cleared in the trial. However, someone had to be held responsible. Who, for instance was responsible for the 3rd class passengers? They were locked away i believe for most of the journey. We forget just how harshly the poor were treated. Bruce Ismay was so it seems a great benefactor of the poor before the incident of the Titanic. It is quite dangerous to assume that films show only the truth, but no doubt you are all to intelligent to forget that.
-- Pauline urwin (, September 28, 2002.
i am 11 years old how many people are still living from the titanic ship wreck do you know where any of them lives i would like to write them thank you
-- joey benoit (, July 05, 2003.