James Cameron chat sessions...

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread

I won't be able to see the various chat sessions with James Cameron, due to lack of software and schedule problems. Can someone who does see it PLEASE post them here? (Is that possible?) We'd all love to see them regardless of our affiliation with Microsoft. Thanks for any help you can give!

-- Dave Phillips (Sonitus@USA.net), January 21, 1998


A transcript of the Cameron chat is available at:


- Dave

-- Dave Cook (dcook@idirect.com), January 21, 1998.

Could not pull up that web site for James Cameron's chat...are you sure it is correct?

-- Cathy Lancaster (lancar@bellsouth.net), January 22, 1998.

I was able to access it.

-- Jen Alexander (jmalexander@mofo.com), January 22, 1998.

Thank you Dave! I just finished reading the transcript of James Cameron's chat session, excellent!

-- Caron (bianchi@iserv.net), January 24, 1998.

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