Did Pope John Paul II's grand-father or great-grand-father comes from the town of Cazales?

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Did Pope John Paul II's grand-father or great-grand-father comes from the town of Cazales?

Any light can be shed on Cazales will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Franz N. Stuppard

-- Franz Nelson Stuppard (franz.stuppard@mailexcite.com), January 09, 1998


Dear Franz,
I don't know if you are still alive to read this answer to your question -- which no one tried to answer when you asked it 13 months ago!
Where is (or was) Cazales? The outstanding Internet map site, "Mapquest," cannot find a place named Cazales anywhere in the world.
Here are some personal names and place names of the ancestors of Karol Wojtyla (the pope), who was born in Wadowice, Poland, in 1920:
Father, Karol Wojtyla ... Son of a master tailor Maciej and his wife Anna; Karol (senior) was born July 18, 1879 at Lipnik near the city of Bielsko Biala, Poland. From 1900 administrative officer of the Austrian army, then lieutenant in the Polish army until his retirement in 1927.

Mother, Emilia Kaczorowska ... Daughter of Feliks Kaczorowski, a pack-saddle maker who also refurnished carriages, and his wife Anna; Emilia was born 26th of March 1884 in Kraksw, Poland.

God bless you.

-- J. F. Gecik (jgecik@desc.dla.mil), February 29, 2000.

There is a town in Haiti called Cazales, north and east a bit from the coastal town of Archaie. I only mention this because during Haiti's war for independence, their was a Polish battalion who were sent to Haiti by Napoleon to aid in the defeat of the rebellious slaves. When Haiti defeated the French, they let the Polish people live, and today in Haiti, the people in the village of Cazales have an oral traditionthat links them to those Poles. Haiti is a very black country, for the most part, but the villagers of Cazales are much lighter skinned, many have blonde hair and Polish surnames.

I am completely guessing that the Poles settled around this present day village and named it after a region or town in Poland that they came from.

I don't think that the Pope's momma was Haitian, but stranger things have come to pass. Perhaps some Haitian alive today is a distant relative of the Pope's mother, some distant cousin of a colonial war fought over 200 years ago. Makes you think...

-- Tim Wilcox (trekleader@yahoo.com), December 26, 2000.

Cher Franz,

Nous sommes heureux de Trouver votre E-mail,et joyeux pour la promotion que vous faites pour valoriser ce petit coin de terre,

nous sommes de ceux a qui vous avez donne la mission du 5 avril lors de votre fameux retour en terre natale.

Nous n'avons pas de reponse a votre questions demandant si l'arriere grand pere du pape etait venu en Haiti. Mais ce que nous savons :

1.- Un Conseil est forme depuis sous l'egide de l'animateur officiel" Mr. Cenatus Pierre Gaston et ce conseil travail activement depuis le sept avril .

2.-Une vraie campagne de sensibilisation et de motivation s'est declaree au niveau de l'arrondisment. et dans les medias couvrant les zones d'actions.

3.-Une petite caisse avec un solde de 2000 gourdes etant constituee elle couvre maintenant les frais de: a) Feuille en Tete b) Sceau c) Les Travaux sur ordinateur (lettres) d) Rafraichissements dans les reunions

4.-Les Enseignes seront sous peu pret a etre disposes dans les endroit suivants: 1.-Carre-four Damier 2)sophie 3)Cameau 4)Bretelles 5) Cazale.

5.-Les ressources humaines vont etre mis en marche afin de commencer aux applanissage de la routeune main d'oeuvre de 30 a 50 personnes est pleinement motivee a cet effet,suivant ainsi tous les consignes que vous aviez communiquer.

6.-Nous voulons que dans un avenir proche que vous nous contacter afin de nous donner de nouvelles instructions.

7.- Nous Voulons aussi savoir pour quand l'arrivee du Dr. Fritzner Bechette .Car Le COAPINCA l'attends de pied ferme afin de l'accompagner dans les traveaux de topographie.

8.-Mardi 06 Mai il y a eu reunion a cazale avec Mme Geri Preval,Mr Dany Stuppard aurait ete invite,pour l'instant rien n'a ete filtre.

9.-Mr Dany nous aurait confie q'une reunion avec The"AD HOC COMMITEE FOR ROUTE CABACAL' aurait lieu le Samedi10 Mai 2003 "3211 Sacred Heart Way,N.W.Washington,DC 20010, au cours du quel la phase practique serait discutee en profendeur.

10.-Nous Vous soumettons la liste de ce qui font partie du CONSEIL D'APPUI AUX INITIATIVES DE CABACAL(COAPINCA)

1.-Mr. CENATUS Pierre Gaston: Coordonnateur 2.- Mme FLEURY Moraty :Coordonnatrice adj 3.-Rev. Pasteur BURKE William :Secretaire- General 4.-MIRTIL Joseph Thermitus Secretaire-General adj.5.-Mr. JANVIER Emmanuel : Responsable Financier 6.-Mr. AUGUSTE Altidor:Delegue 7.-Mr. THELUSMA Gerard Delegue-adj. 8.-Rev. Pasteur Justin Alexi : Conseiller 9.-Mr.FERDINAND Jean Roody :Conseiller adj.


Nous croyons fermement q'un jour on retracera la vraie genealogie de Jean Paul ll et l'on que son arrierre-grand pere a pu sejourne sur cette terre qui est haiti,et l'on fera l'invitation au saint-pere de visite "l'autoroute de Toussaint Louverture"sur laquelle son aieul a vecu.

-- conseil d'appui aux initiatives de cabacal (coa.pinca@caramail.com), May 07, 2003.

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