muslin background storage : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

I just bought a large (10X20) muslin and am wondering how you store this thing . It was folded when I purchased it, but creases had formed because of this. A little ironing took care of that but should I fold it loosely or just stuff it randomly in its bag when I'm done? What do you guys do?

-- steve vancosin (, December 17, 1997


I just crumple mine randomly into a large hefty trash bag ( available at Calumet for $59.95 including a black nylon carrying case :-) ). This avoids the creases, but commits you to that crinkled look. I always figured if I had a new one that I wanted to keep flat and uncreased I could roll it up like a rug.

-- Peter Thoshinsky (, December 29, 1997.

Muslin Background Storage

I wouldn't worry about the wrinkles, they add character to the image. If they present a problem, however, increase subject to background distance (if possible) and shoot wide open (e.g. f2.8, - f 5.6). This will minimize dof and blur the background.

Harold Todman

-- Harold Todman (, January 05, 1998.

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