Where exactly is the celebration, what about?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Burning Man : One Thread |
Where exactly is it, What should we bring, what is the age limit. What frame of mind should you have to attend this festival. I am very intrested in your celebration, and would like to join you if you can send me some feedback, that would be great!
-- Lynn Vogt (psyejad@ttuhsc.edu), November 29, 1997
Around around around we go where it stops nobody knows. Bring a smile, a hammer, water and a lot of sun tan lotion. Be open when you arrive,take every thing when you leave, bring your wits you'll need them too. Be the person you always wanted to be but never thought you could get away with, you will realize that you have not gone far enough when you get there. Be prepared to entertain your neighbors, bring some thing to trade, and don't for get the kitchen sink.
-- Charlie@burningart.com (Charlie@burningart.com), December 02, 1997.
For more information on what Burning Man is all about, please check out: www.burningman.com. The event is held in Nevada, from the Wed. before Labor Day until the Monday of Labor Day. To stay up on current information such as this year's location, please get on our mailing list: snailmail@burningman.com, and our email list check the web site for instructions.
-- Maid Marian (marian@burningman.com), November 30, 1997.