Cannon Xl-1 and Optura Progressive capture : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread

Could someone explain this progressive scan technology on the XL-1 and Optura. I assume that when in the ( Frame Movie Mode) the camera's capture a full frame at a time instead of a field at a time. Now if so this would be like a true 30 FPS video capture instead of 60 Field capture. I tried the Optura at a store today and found the Optura's Proscan mode had the feel of film with regard to frame rate. If anyone one can go futher on this that would be great! Michael Pappas

-- Michael Pappas (, November 05, 1997


I'm pretty sure that the Optura works exactly as you describe. It captures something like 512x768 pixels, 30 times/second. So you get a better still image than if you were looking at one field. The camera to watch for is the 3-CCD version, out in January. It will have interchangeable lenses. About $4500.

-- Philip Greenspun (, December 07, 1997.

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