B&W Disposable Cameras in Japan

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

I was in Japan last week, and did a little poking around some of the camera stores.

One item of interest to this group I found was two different kinds of Black and White (or "white black" in Japanese) disposable cameras. Fuji sells one loaded with normal black and white film. Interestingly, it gives 24, not the usual 27 exposures for a disposable.

Konica had one labelled a 'sepia' film. It uses a C-41 process, but I don't know if the film is repackaged XP-2 (marketing its tendency to print sepia on color paper), or some other film.

In most of the shops, Fuji film was displayed much more prominantly than other makes. Kodak was present, Ilford was there, but the shop where I actually bought film only had XP-2, not the HP-5+ that I really wanted. So I bought a couple of rolls of TMY, at 230 yen for 120 size, it was cheaper than I've ever seen here in the US.

Interestingly, at Narita airport, both Fuji and Kodak were displayed in the camera shop equally prominantly.

-- Mike Rosenlof (), October 31, 1997

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