Stuffed Badgers? : LUSENET : Stuffed Badger Collecting : One Thread

So, what is this thing all about then?

-- Mark Dalrymple (, September 30, 1997


This little area was originally just a playground figuring out how to use Philip's way-cool bboard system before employing it in the web page for the community orchestra I play in. I collect stuffed badgers, and have one at the computer, so it was the first thing that came to mind when I had to make up a name for the bboard

I then got mail from someone actually wanting to know about collecting stuffed badgers (can there really be more than one stuffed badger collecting lunatic in the world? Guess so), so I opened this up to the public.

Have fun.

-- Mark Dalrymple (, September 30, 1997.

Sleeping right beside me is someone who shares your interest in small woodland creatures. Check out his home page at

Alex would be delighted to help you acquire more badgers, ready for stuffing.

Philip (testing new release of his software)

-- Philip Greenspun (, December 07, 1997.

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