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Y2K For Newcomers Threads
in the
TB2K spinoff uncensored question and answer forum
Why this election reminds me of Y2K....
Why the presidential race won't matter much.....
Bush must be winning... the liberals are getting more histrionic by the minute
Reprehensible parenting is far worse...
The Liberty Manifesto... more humor from P.J. O'Rourke
How to Explain Conservatism to Your Squishy Liberal Friends: Individualism 'R' Us
On sexism
The presidential "debates" are a waste of time...
Why are pollies so stupid?
Can women be sexist?
Spain and Errington: Y2K was a graduate exam in critical thinking
The Pickelheimer Papers, Volume 2
Survivalist fiction... sort of
OT: Winter hunting gear
To my pal, the BPA engineer....
"Klavin" Acceptance Speech
Debunkers and Doomers: Conservatives of the same stripe?
The Reuben Delusion
A helping hand for the King of Spain
An alternative to Unk's voting theory...
Was it reasonable and prudent for the Federal government to spend $50 million on a Y2K crisis center?
Turn out the lights, the party's over
Reform Party and Y2K Doomsayers
My interpretation of Paula Gordon's essay
Words from Paula Gordon II (long)
Paula Gordon
Y2K Time Capsule
A Non-Libertarian FAQ
The [pick a historical event] is over. Why do you fools keep talking about it?
Errors in Logic and Y2K
Sturm und drang
Heller v. Reuben
Controversial Subject #1: The best North American hunting rifle
Survivor: The Television Show
Losing inter...zzzzzz.
An alternative method for getting "Y2K" right next time
Stan Faryna, Male Rites of Passage and Y2K
Diane Squire
How many lurkers hang around just to confirm L.L is really crazy?
Sex and the summer lull
IT Hubris
Violent Crime Fell Sharply Again in 1999 - FBI
Ten Successes that Shaped the 20th Century American City
A personal reflection on this forum
"Perry" McLaughlin
Who "owns" a public forum
Expect a 50 bp rate hike by Federal Reserve May 16
Meet the New Left: bold, fun and stupid
Enemies of the WTO by Paul Krugman
Progress in public health during the past century (long)
The Banning of "Hawk," continued...
The Irony of the Y2K Debate
Another take on high gas prices
Another take on OPEC
The Yom Kippur War
A balanced essay on the Gold Standard
Picking stocks in an overvalued market
Milton Friedman on the Legalization of Drugs
What Greenspan really said about the LTCM bail-out
Market collapse: Another case of premature speculation
The New Economy's Dark Side (Mark Zandi)
WTO Article
While we are waiting for Big Dog's May Y2K analysis
The Myth of Preparation
Should we take the fringe seriously?
Random Thoughts
Straight "a"--A prime example of the "doomer" world view
Top Ten Y2K Myths - Repost
Reframing the question
Any suggestions for (post Y2K) apocalyptic fiction?
The original "welcome" to the Old TB 2000
Y2K Preparation Revisted: Andyworld
On Yourdon
Fed's Poole says rate hikes not slowing economy
PC Week: Unfazed by Y2K, the Web grows up
In defense of EZBOARD
Y2K: Was it really possible to prepare for a meltdown?
God Save the King (of Spain)
Y2K and the Doomsayer Predisposition
If I Decide to Remove Password Protection from My Forum, the Rules Will Be These:
The inevitable progression of Time Bomb 2000
My last open letter to Ed Yourdon
My first open letter to Ed Yourdon
My first Y2K essay
Reference Link for Y2K For Newcomers
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the FAQ