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Politics Threads
in the
TB2K spinoff uncensored question and answer forum
(Liberal) Chicago Tribune: MR. GORE, END IT NOW
Voter error invalidated 2 million ballots nationwide
Liberal Party in Canada gets no-recount-needed election victory
The Armeggedon Script posted 10-2-00 is coming true. It discusses the New World Order, the current mideast conflict, CLINTON STAYING IN OFFICE, Janet Reno running FEMA etc. This is scary. The link is
Forge Ahead Mr. President Gore
Florida Representative Received Death Threats
Gore is living on borrowed time - Send In The Clowns *or* Just Send The Clowns Home
Uh Oh Sore/Loserman->Illinois ruling excluded dimples! - Case cited by Florida Supreme Court never counted indented ballots
Anatomy Of A Psychopath
The Democratic's Begin To Eat Their Own! LOL!
President Al Gore will prevail
Demonstrators honk horns, chant outside Gore residence in US capital chanting "Get out of Cheney's house!"
Seems 'Dubya' Stands for "WINNER"!!
Florida's secretary of state certifies George W. Bush as winner
Amazing. Florida Democrats has full control of the Legislature and Governors Office from the Civil War to 1998 and could have made any changes they wanted to the Election Laws. They
More about the Miami Riots
The Senate Prayer presented to the Kansas Legislature is an excellent summary of the LIBERAL Philsophy and of
They just found another 500 ballots in Palm Beach County. How many more will be found? They should
Gore's Best Asset - Seminole County
The Portable GOP Demonstration
"Hey, Relax: We Wuzn't Robbed" [formatted]
"Hey, Relax: We Wuzn’t Robbed"
List of Organized Protests for Bush supporters to attend on 11/25/00
The Democrats must have a he_l of a lot of money to be able to pay 500 lawyers to help out
New Primary Today. Gore vs Bradley
[Politics] Hmmm ... little mention of the 20-Year presidential jinx yet?
New Legal Controversy in Seminole, FL
So This Is Compassionate Conservatism
Gore is Gonna' Make It!
Canada may elect a Prime Minister before the US decides who is President
"It's the economy, stupid"?
Florida Supreme Court Rejects Democrat Bid for Recount
Funniest Joke I have heard this month
To the adherents of Death Culture
U.S. Political Third Parties Invite Foreign Observers to Monitor Elections
Ominous portents, fighting words
It is obvious that very powerful people are manipulating this election behind the scenes to shift the lead back and forth and to delay a winner for
Democrats Anger Servicemen Overseas: 'We Got Ripped Off'
Bush authorizes appeal of recount ruling to U.S. Supreme Court
Gore Challenges Miami-Dade Move to Halt Recount
BREAKING NEWS!: END OF THE ROAD FOR GORE? Miami Dade county unanimously votes to stop all hand counting...
Hey Al! Remember Elian? It's His Aniversary Tommorow! Yet ANOTHER Clinton/Gore Legacy We Are Left With!!!
Disenfranchising the Military: Gore talks of "unity." But now we learn the Clinton-Gore administration didn't want any soldiers to vote on base. (I WONDER WHY? DUH!)
'Dimpled' ballots count in Texas
N.Y. Times: Gore's dissolving support
Breaking news: Cheney in D.C. hospital with chest pains...
Recount Looms for Washington Senate Race
The stock market is not too happy with the Florida Court decision. It is
The Florida Supreme Court has ruled that the 3 members of the Dade County Board have the power to decide who is the next President by
Us against them
Florida Supreme Court to accept dimpled chads..
Vets Rally at Gore's House!
Gore/Democrats become Friendly Fire Candidate's!
Bush: Awaiting Word, Feeling Lucky - Tourists chanted "President! President!"
Democrats mastermind concerted effort to disqualify military ballots
Ooops! Gore loses votes in Miami…Let’s recount the recount votes again!
Military allegedly denied voting rights - Case may be taken directly to US Supreme Court
"Worst error" in history still haunting US television networks
Hateful news media paint Katherine Harris as “Cruella de Ville”
Chad-eating Democrats seek to devour election
Florida’s legislature has constitutional authority to select electors
Democratic Activist Admits Effort To Change GOP Electors' Votes
Democratic Activist Admits Effort To Change GOP Electors' Votes
New Palm Beach Ballot Revealed
The "Dubya Dance"
Eiither way, as Dandy Don would sing "Turn Out The Lights, The Party's Over"
Election Alert. The Florida Supreme Court has an election website that
Did a prophet, futurist, physic etc. predict that this year or 2004 would be the last election of the President in the US? This could have been Ed Dames, Gordon Michael Scallion, Robert Dean, Sean David Morton, Whitley Streiber etc. on the Art Bell Show. I recall that
Fla. AG: Count 'em!
An interesting idea about splitting the Presidential term
Washington Post: GOP backlash may cause Gore to "lose" if he wins...
Miami-Dade Hand Recount Begins
Judge Refuses Palm Beach Revote
Wall Street Journal: Why we can expect the Florida Supreme Court to side with Gore...
ALGORE screwed up big time. A BLACK Person has called for a nationwide protest on December
Politically Correct and the New World Order . The link below discusses the goals of the NWO and is a very provocative
Gore is Clinton's Legacy. Australian Paper said "most corrupt, vicious and lawless administration in American History"
Bush-endorsed manual recount law may decide local election in Texas
Secretary of State Harris should Certify Bush the winner and comply with Florida Law as
Overseas Postal Service Insight!
Molly Ivins: Just for fun, try arguing the other side (Warning: Long)
Ummmmm... And them's good eatin'! (Needs a little salt, though.)
The Real Gore
GOP considering lawsuit over thrown-out overseas ballots
Is this what we have to look forward to?
Breaking news. MSNBC right now 2:22 PM Sat afternoon Campaign workers have filed affidavits of voter fraud favoring ALGORE by vote counters including putting Bush votes in Algore pile, taping over the holes, stacks of ballots sabotaged overnignt etc.etc.
The Ultimate Irony would be if ALGORE becomes President by honest or dishonest means and then on Inaguration Day there is big cold snap, and due to the lack of a comprehensive energy policy by the current administration, there is a massive power outage in the Northeast and no electricity for the big event.
Did the plane with the 3000 absentee ballots from the Navy ship ever arrive? It was supposed to have a large number of Florida voters. The absentee votes were only 927 for Bush. Did the plane crash or did
If ALGORE wins it will be interesting to see how he eliminates the Federal Debt in 12 years. Even though it wil be absolutely impossible for him to keep this promise, the press gave him a pass on it. At least Mr. Bush did not reverse his message depending on who he was talking to.
Bush Extends Lead in Florida with Overseas Votes
Intelligence Gathering on Electoral College Members
How the Democrats Steal Elections
Gore Finally Wins in New Mexico
Peggy Noonan: "The Donkey in the Living Room" (yep -- yet another political rant, for those who wish to skip this)
Canada Divided Too, eh?
Take a break and catch one of the hottest humor sites on the web covering the election mess...
New ABC News/Washington Post poll--56% say hand counts should be included in the final tally--but.....
Nov. 13: Legal opinion from the office of Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris
Why is the obvious attempt by ALGORE to steal the election being ignored by the media? They can not see the donkey in the tent. The article in the Wall Street Journal see link below discusses
Florida's top court gives go-ahead to keep counting
Palm Beach Post: New federal lawsuit says Bush and Cheney can't claim Texas' 32 electoral votes because both are inhabitants of the state -- a violation of the 12th Amendment
N.Y. Times: The psychiatric inpatient vote...
What can be done for America's schools?
N.Y. Times: The House could end up choosing the president.
Text of Palm Beach County recount letter
AP-- Bush to Gore: Recount 'Arbitrary'
Florida Official Denies Hand Recounts
Hillary has filed for divorce. Now who will pay for the $1million home in New York? Would the moral upright citizens of N Y have elected her if they
Newsflash: According to NBC Nightly News, the Las Vegas books give odd that Bush will win of 7 to 5. Algore was reading his speech from the teleprompter agreeing to a statewide recount and to
The Seminoles will get their revenge. The news media will be evicted from their motel rooms in Tallahassee to
Excerpt from last night's 'Nightline'....is the endgame in view?
SOS petitions court to STOP manual recount
Dang, We Really Do Need To Recount Palm Beach County
ALGORES Beer Hall Putsch on Sightings site is an excellent analysis of what the Gore forces are attempting to do. The charges, phony facts, flimsy pretext, and war on the system are explained in scary
Bush should concede
The Woman Behind Florida's Recount
The Lycos top 50 searches for the week ending Nov. 11
Federal Budget Talks on Hold for Election Result
Bush v. Gore: A philosophical perspective.
Bush or Gore? A Libertarian view...
Gore, Bush Teams Discuss Way to End Stalemate
It would be fairly simple to reduce vote fraud by simply numbering the ballots after they are completed BY THE VOTER. Then require
The Democrats have a very unpleasant surprise coming as a result of contesting the deadline to complete the recount by the Florida Secretary of State. ALGORE and his minions apparently did not see it coming. This
Overseas Absentee Ballots Still an Election Key
N.Y. Times: Hand counts will be more accurate than machines? Read what's happening in Volusia and assert that again, with a straight face, buster. :)
Huge manual count in Palm Beach county could take 3-4 days
Wall St. Journal: Why the Florida recounting gives biased results.
Wall St. Journal: Why the Supreme Court should hear the Florida count issue...and pronto.
I am totally missing something here...
Wall St. Journal: "Pandora's Politics"
Don't Look Now But Your Dirty Undies Are Showing
Why did the Democrats ask the FBI to investigate voter fraud in the Democratic Miami Districts? The charge that marked ballots were
Bush Backed Hand Recounts in Texas
The deliberate vote fraud planned by the powers that be could be the pinprick that pops the bubble. When the public realizes that money is debt, and that $6 Trillion of this debt is overseas,
Pregnant chads
Will of the People?
Palm Beach County, FL Voter Competency Test
N.Y. Times: The limits of patience...
N.Y. Times: Palm Beach: Judge Orders Full Recount; Gore Closes Gap
Chicago Tribune: Mystery Ballots Break Pattern
Election result could swing on hand tally
County By County Mandate For Bush
Open letter to Democratic Party Officials and Al Gore. As a white middle class citizen, you have effectively stolen the Democrat Party from me and other citizens who are not members of some special interest group. Although your compassion for the poor is
Ballots need an upgrade - DUH!
9-Year-Olds Ace Florida Ballot
GOP will go to court to prevent manual Florida vote recount
Absentee Voters Happy to Help Count
N.Y. Times: Democrats are split over the possibility of court battle
The Current Antics of the Democrat Party in Palm Beach County are approaching fraud big time. A current link explains that Democrat Party Officials did the double punching on Bush Ballots so they would show Bush Gore and be voided and replaced by new Gore ballots. The link is
Just a thought about the last few days...another layer
Re-counting yea. Re-voting nay.
The current antics of the Democrat Party in Florida are funnier than some of our old routines. The Phd could not read and understand the ballot, 19000 ballots voted for 2 people and were invalid, the ballot was illegal, the election should be held again etc etc etc. What next? Will
The fallacy of Nixon's graceful exit
Jesse Jackson and his ideas remind me of Hitler during the 30s. Who would have thought that what Hitler was proposing in 1932 would evolve into mass persecution of the minority groups for his own political
New Mexico vote recount shows 164 vote difference
A few thoughts on recent election issues...
Oversea ballot delivery delay
Read the breaking news direct from a major storm center with The Palm Beach Post...
Florida law and challenging election results
Political threads of the last few days on this forum
Bush Arrogance? I Don't Think So
Three Bush Counties Left In Recount
Gore Causes Financial Meltdown at Noon
Where is our Current President...
Follow the Florida Recount, "Up to the Minute" and county by county, on the web...
19,000 Palm Beach votes apparently invalidated
US No longer capable of self governance?
The first large city in 30 years to merge with its county
Presenting: The Florida Division of Elections website
Mark Helprin's advice to Bush, if he wins...
One for Our Grandchildren
Planned Parenthood Outlines Possible State Action if Roe v. Wade is Reversed
To the Al Gore troll:
I Was Wrong
Florida too close to call. The tide is changing Bush 217, Algore 167. The people
[Politics] How Polls Work: Intro. to Random Sampling
D-Day: Preview of the DayBs Top Political News
Snapshots of voter turnout across the U.S.
Does anyone understand that communism is over throwing our laws?
Does anyone know a site that follows election results?
Puzzled World Reaction to U.S. Elections
Final Poll Results
Bush Wins Vote in New Hampshire
FactFinder's Poll Watch for Monday 10PM, 11/6/2000
Will Election Traffic Crash the Net?
Oh gawd, here she comes with yet another pro-Bush opinion piece from today's Wall St. Journal...
I was impressed with Bush yesterday
Gore Campaign Gets Out the Vote - "Cigarettes Distributed For Gore Vote"
Need Humour?
For Eight Years, Gore Has Flat-Out Lied' - Nader
Presidential Election - The Electoral College Factor - Links and Discussion
Something interesting is going on in the 'Feminist Party'...
I'm passing this letter along ...
Double Standard anyone? The Democrats complain that George Bush did not disclose a drunk driving incident 24 years ago where he was pulled over because he was driving too slow yet Mr. Clinton was not required to disclose that he had raped women less than 10 years ago? Did they think that the
The voters are suffering from monoconceptitis and are so stressed out trying to manage their everyday affairs that they can't see the big picture. The Clinton supporters
Gore and Lieberman: Censorship Is Double Plus Good
Camille Paglia on Bush, Gore and Hillary
It Aint That Close
'Pearl Harbor Politics' - Who's behind the Bush DUI story?
Reports of Gore pot use raise complex questions
Political irony
Wow! A Gore supporter's skewering of Gore the likes of which I've not yet seen (from The New York Observer).
GLORIA STEINEM: Top Ten Reasons Why I'm Not Voting For Nader
Nader the Leninist
Pat Buchannan and gold
REFUSED FOR FRAUD across your ballot, the year 2000 elections
Presidential Election - Like Y2K, its time to put your predictions on the line
A Military Career Distinguished Solely by Favoritism
Are there any Bush/Gore Undecideds on this forum?
Dubya's Fuzzy Math
Lieberman Excommunicated !!
Politician gets Caught in Cybersex Sting Operation
Pick the Poll you like - Presidential campaign polling disparity
I saw a newsclip of ALGORE on TV tonight. He was making fun of himself and the audience was rolling in the aisles. He did not
ANITA - FOR YOU. You asked about gun control issues in the campaign
Gore's Mythical "Great" NC education plan
Paging Links Are Us
Debates Simplified (Humor)
Some Notable Quotes from G.W. Bush Last Night
Russian Leader Demands Apology from G W Bush
Blame Canada
This one's for you, all third party voters
War declared! PA against Israel!
More inconsistencies.....
HBO documentary "Hate.com: Extremists on the Internet"
Cheney's Cheap Shot
Peggy Noonan on the Cheney v. Lieberman Debate
1st Debate is over - any opinions?
Anti-Income Tax Supreme Court Case
Are anarchist protests harbingers of fascism?
On Gore and "Inventing" the Internet.
Gore Demands Better Health Coverage for Women
Gore Moves Ahead of Bush in Electoral College
Bush Begins Push for Middle Class Votes
The Case of the Missing Synapse
Allies Say Bush Can Still Win Despite Low Polls
N.H. Justice Faces State Senate Impeachment Trial
Libertarian Browne Possible White House Spoiler
Bush Criticizes Gore's Policies
Bush Targets Middle Class in Campaign Rebuild
Bush talks education in GOP role reversal
Bush Rejects Tired Suggestions
Polls, Surveys and Market Research: Just Say No
From today's N.Y. Times (9/14/00): Hillary Clinton and Rick Lazio rip into each other in debate
Gender Gap - Gore Leads by 6 Points in New Reuters Poll
Who the hell are the illuminati anyhow
Why Would Any Woman Vote for George W. Bush?
Amazing.... algore has never owned common stock??
IF we dont vote Rep or Demo........
Good book on contemporary politics
The meaning of Nader's candidacy
Just in case anyone gives a shat....
Gore/Bush - It's all the same
Nader: 'Priceless' ads will run despite MasterCard suit
Gore strikes a chord with Democratic delegates
No Grand Slam For Gore
Clinton's "THINK OF ME" Speech
Hundreds Clash with Police outside the Democratic convention
The Jerusalem Solution
Shrubya/Chincey Ticket a Date With Disaster
I'll have a Philly Cheesesteak with a side of wonderin
Are the Republicians expecting trouble and demonstrations at their upcoming convention. The network news said tonight that the military will be displaying
White House: No Agreement at Middle East Talks
(from 7/1/00 Washington Post) Arkansas Court Panel Sues Clinton
Pussy-Wuss Liberals going to need clean underwear: Mel Gibson's "Patriot"
Presidential visit-what an honor
Continuation of thread for Hawk(part 2)
Continuation of thread for Hawk
Elian visits zoo
Billary..in league with the devil?
Rosie O'D says 750,000 Moms
Million Mom March is a success
Next smokescreen
They know us like the back of their hand...
Elian as Christ
check out the "about" section of the old TB forum
Hillary Gaining on Giuliani? Say it aint so!
'Putin wins' and other news from Russia today
This is unbelievably funny!
Man accused of assaulting census enumerator
Texas primary day
A dish of crow for the Clinton bashers
Harry Browne: The Great Libertarian Offer
{OT} an out the door note; Bush and Tomorrow
ROBERT COOK, PE, you owe our President an apology: CDC confirms 12 children killed a day by guns
Y2K Bug Finally Appears in Shady Paris Politics - run for your bunkers!
Jesse Ventura endorses Gore for President
Why George Bush fucked up in ending the Gulf War
McCain "suspends", McWife wears Hillary pin again!
China - Oh Please!
Russia Becomming Russia Again - Slowly She Turns
Corrupt leader executed in China
Treaties = abuse of power = No America
Whats up with McCain's wife?
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