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Misc/Humor Threads
in the
TB2K spinoff uncensored question and answer forum
OT.Roof insulation
Al Gore I Am
OT-Thanksgiving Humor-Not quite Mike the Headless Chicken, but close
Only in Texas.... (humor)
Humor - Why Men Can't Get Out Of Bed In The Morning
From the "Things Aren't Always What They Seem" Department
A note about this website....
Rubber ducks in disguise break US record
Top Ten Signs Your Anchorman's Exhausted
Fun With The Candidates
She's warming up.
Break Time!!! On The Lighter Side :)
Shrubya mowed over my elderly mother's mailbox
[Misc/Humor] Alert: Due to a Y2k bug, all U.S. citizens have missed Election Day.
Halloween Humor
Just For Fun
[Misc/Humor] The key to successful stress management
Humour - Al Gore's Background
(Humor) Anagrams
Mr. Winkle!
A Whiskey Story (Humor)
Winter Coming. Y2k Pro Must Be Making His Rounds
miketheheadlesschicken makes it big
banana in US - totally OT
Etiquette in the Afterlife
Man Rating
Newspaper Readership
We'll be right back after this word from our sponsor...
Hard Times in Margaritaville?
OK - Time for a Silly Thread
Sydney Prostitutes Offer Own Version of Olympics
Chuckle - Advertisements
How women change the oil vs how men change the oil -LOL
Protester Pelts Congresswoman With Fish
Olympians Offered Free Condoms
Notable Quotes (no, NOT "Quotably Quoted")
Gore Makes Appearance on Letterman
[Misc/Humor] The World's Easiest Quiz
Thank God It's Not Friday
For KOS: The ultimate mud wrestlers
Monthy Pythonlike
Did you hear the one about ...
Fluffy Toiletshorts
No TV In Moscow Portends Domestic Strife
Word Association 2 (sans graphics)
Got cats and extra rice?
Gardening tips...
PBS television host and science guy William "Bill" Nye was killed Monday
Do you want to play Word Association with me?
Is this forum becoming a new "uncensored spinoff"? - Dennis Olson
(misc) The Perfect High
Weird News-Death
Weird News-Police
Humor: preview of Monday Night Football?
Dear Mr. President...Thank You!
Millionaire Isle
Who would you rather have for a cab driver - a polly or a doomer?
Dave Barry on the election campaigns
"The Hundred Greatest Books That I've Read," by Steve Martin
Words of Wisdom
Anyone see Jay Leno last night?
Snappy one-liners for the office
Russia's great leap forward
Civil servant wins prize for truly awful romance
A break from the nonsense...
Humor: In-class "tandem writing" assignment
The Story of the Silver Gravy Ladle
UT's "Body Farm" (Not for the Faint-Hearted!)
Oddspot (OZ) cont....
(law) Y'all Won't Believe This One...
LadyLogic - Please Come Back and Save Us from Andy and CPR
(Monty Python) The Spanish Inquisition
Sasquatch Alert in the Hoh Rain Forest
(A George Orwell essay) Why Socialists Don't Believe in Fun
(humor) From last night: Top Ten Signs the Supreme Court Needs a Vacation
(humor) Mark Twain takes apart "The Awful German Language"
Get a Life
By What's In Their Shopping Carts Shall Ye Know Them
A Matter of Perspective
English hamster has stunned animal experts
pushin too hard and lost my head on the thunderbucket
Funniest Bumper Stickers!
(Humor) A rare Monty Python skit that wasn't on TV...
Arizona Going To The Dogs
50 Ways to Leave a Forum
The Un-Constitution
In Russia no news is good nudes
Lost and Dazed Y2k Doom Droids calls inundating 911
Overlooking important psychological preparations for y2k
Dear Dr. Laura
Oh to rest in peace, with piglet and ratty
Funny Boner?
washington hillbillies
Odd Spot - cont.
funny photos
Scientific fact or fraternity fiction?
OT: Now how about your most unforgettable movie SCENES?
Canadian racoon stow-away does cold-turkey...
Man in T-Back Bathing Suit Prompts 911 Call
Brain Teaser
Calling in Sick
The Incomparable Russ "BigDog" Lipton (A.K.A. Doomers on Display, 1st installment)
How to dampen a hot affair
Just making waves
Antipodean - Moron.com and other disasters ...
Odd Spot - cont.
Old Git Uncovered. The Early Days
Big Brother is Watching
Tales of OZ - - - - - - (OT)
Dear Americans supporters of our Renown Rodent Revolution
OZ Tales - Men catch croc in Cairns
St Croix Power Outage
Odd Spot
So how well did we calculate for y2k?
OT Humor - Rant about Chain Letters (vulgar)
Fun At 30,000 Feet
Hackers can make your PC explode
*Anthill Kicker Contest* Name your favorite anthill kicker
OZ to SK - Frog forces detour of pipeline
OZ - They're from Woy Woy, you know, and they can take a joke
OZ - An ode to March, a month of madness
OZ - Going for gold in the mediocrity stakes
(OT) Oddspot Topics
The power of internet rumors
Rantings of a woman
Diversity and Correctness
So who do you think this is?
Please contribute to the census questions for 2010
Uncle Bob's really lame site of the day
In memoriam TimeBomb2000 (Y2000)
For those of you who don't live in California, you can now experience what it's like.
Thank you, Proles
Mission to Mars a must-see movie
Which gives me an idea...
OT: Pocket protectors and programmable calculators and mechanical pencils, Oh My!...
Dull men of the world unite
Post Office issues new stamp
Alright you filthy bastards!!!! ENOUGH!!! Take a shower!!!!!
Critics say tsk tsk tsk to roo zoo
A Lobster Tale (you'll laugh, you'll cry)
Could someone enlighten me?
Oh, Oh Lady Please Don't Go
"Nuts, Buts, and Cybersluts": The screenplay continues
OT: Does this guy have the worst luck in the world?
O.T bit of humur-software update
Minnesota Man Fights Back Against Denial of Service Attacks
Cool OZ bloke advancing international good will.......
LIBERTY GAZETTE-Disaffected Emoticons Stage Insurgency & More E-Newz
Dear Bill, - cigar collection goes for sale...
Why do these things always happen in America?
Humor: Y2K and Oil
Bush falls prey to Prankster
Sex-Crazed Tongue Emoticon Licks Four-May Be Banned From Use on EZBoard
OT: Humor
"Nuts, Butts, and Cybersluts": The screenplay continues
a little humor
I've got a really big....
Musing on Flogging a dead horse!
For old time's sake: The Wreck of the Y2K Heralds
OT (Humor, I hope): William Jefferson Clinton has posted the same message to at least 3 threads! Quick, Ban Him!!!!!! nt
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