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Explosions/Fires/HAZMAT Accidents Threads
in the
TB2K spinoff uncensored question and answer forum
11 Locked-in Workers Die as Factory Explodes in South Africa
CO Neighbors Keep Wary Eye on Army Arsenal
Idaho Fire Threatens Nuke Facility
Moscow Neutron Monitor Takes a dive, Sun May Explode again
Sun Goes Boom, You are Dead.... X5 Flare!!!! Earth Directed CME!!!
OT - Los Alamos, NM -
Norway: Thousands evacuated after propane train crash
OT Vancouver Won't Accept PCB Shipment
Update on Philips explosion
fumes in school send children to hospital
Warning issued on oxygen canisters
Texas pipeline update
PA--Chemical Worker Badly Hurt When Door Blew Off Overpressurized Kiln
government fails to warn government
THAILAND--Spate of Accidents Sparks Factory Inspections, 2,200 Plants to be Covered
S. CAROLINA--Two Killed in Plant Explosion
OT: evidence tampering
OT: Argentina--Explosion Injures 32 at Industial Park
more info on East Texas pipeline
Manhole explosion in D.C.
OT--San Diego--Sewage Spill Could Cost Millions
OR: Refinery fire cause sought
Plane Topic
Thailand > Poison Gas Sickens 200
Steel Plant Explosions Injure Six, Temporarily Close Facility
Entire Ohio Town of 500 Evacuated After Tank Collapse and Chemical Spill
Searchers Locate Bodies of 2nd and 3rd Victims in Plant Explosion
Explosion at VA manufacturing plant kills at least 1
Radford, Va, Intermet Foundry Blast
Barge grounded off Southern Washington coastline!
Reference Link for Explosions/Fires/HAZMAT Accidents
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