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Sustainable Living Threads
in the
Current News question and answer forum
SL Tips
ENV - Record beach closings in Lake Michigan this year
HH TIPS Flag Flying rules
Gvt out to kill off sheep business
Safty Alerts
Safety Alerts
SL - Burpee celebrates 125 years
Safety Alerts
Safety Alerts
Safety Alerts
Gardening ... Sar's Water Garden
Safety Alerts
SUS-LIV - Tying water supply to subdivision permits
STINK AND FLIES - Ohio egg farm ordered to cough up $19.7m to neighbors
EARLY AUTUMN? - Trees say so in CA
CLIMATE CHANGE - Britain to freeze?
GARDENING - Banned insecticides, deformed acorns, perennial problems, succulent babies
CATERPILLARS - The kind with tree webs (like tent caterillars) - Leave 'em alone!
Gardening...some pretties
SL -- Need Calf bug out bag Advice
WHY LA HAS COOL SUMMER - Deserts are warmer
GLOBAL WARMING - Cause of Pacific Northwest glacier retreat
ECOLOGY - Astronaut warns of man's influence on earth
SL - Milkweed turned into money crop
ORGANIC - Seeking an organic future
TREES - In Durham
FOOD - About Spotted Dick
WATER - Of millions of Californians threatened by leaks from underground gas tanks
Recipes .. Strawberry Jam
GARDENING - Lily beetles, rosemary, mockorange, bunnies
GARDENING - Verbascum
GARDENING - Attracting butterflies
SL - Governor declares western Alaska fishing industry a disaster
FIRE ANTS - Wreak environmental havoc in Oz
Flying Pigs...look real close...there are 7 birds there
Gardening...some pretties
GARDENING - Box, variegated plants, a new yew, rhododendrons in clay, iris, mimosa
GARDENING - Green flowers
GARDENING - Chelsea physic (apothecary) garden
GARDENING - Echinacea
SL - UN says forest conservation should focus on just 15 countries
AIR POLLUTION STUDY - "Editorial," not science (conducted by Carnegie Mellon)
Question for Barefoot or Taz or . . . FL Hurricane Prep
AIR POLLUTION - Kills more people than traffic
SOLAR POWER - Traffic lights
WATER - Turkey village sex strike continues
CHINA - Doubt cast on reduced pollution claims
Humor...chicken soup series
OCEANS OF RESPECT - Tampering with sea backfires, local expert warns
[Tips] week of 8-13-01
KYOTO - New Study Supports Bush's Rejection of Global Warming Treaty
SL - Be a Bad Girl
GARDENING - Heirloom tomato growers team up
GDNG - Deadheading, color contrast
GDNG - Tomatoes
GDNG - Lawns and grubs, powdery mildew, geraniums, Rose of Sharon, solanum, ivy
HMM - Felty? Hairy? Three-headed?
OIL SPILL - Off Oregon coast
HHTips 8-10-01
Safety Alerts
PETS danger
HHtips quilting
New Better Times webzine available
SL...Ceiling Fan size
HHTIPS threading a needle
Recipe...broccoli & rice
SL..Home Repairs and RX
HHTips...squeak fix for floors
GM TOMATOES - Saltwater variety created
HHTIPS Hot glue and BUD
HEINZ KETCHUP - Now you can get purple
WETLANDS - Can lessen flood threat
HH tips dishwasher savvy
SURVIVAL - Foraging for dinner is easy--if you know what to look for
GARDEN Adventures In Gardening
Garden..posted some new flowers..link
CORAL - Florida takes lead in recovery
HH TIPS....Clean Vinyl seats
SL....Building terms
SL...more on AC ducts and air movment
SL Air Circulation
HH tips Tomato Sauce to the rescue
HH tip;....can't find light switches?
SL...Duct Cleaning
SL - Kudzu and killer sheep
SL - Ban on Caspian sturgeon may be too late
FOOD - "Red sea" of tomatoes rolls into Calif. processing plants
SL watch the seals for your frig's
SL Cleaning microwave
WHALING - Battle looms
HH tips salty soup
SL..extended warrenties
GARDENING - Propagating bamboo, planting aruncus
GARDENING - Nepeta, privet, fairy rings, pyracantha, hedgehogs
GARDENING - Climbing roses
GARDENING - Tulips, nigella, ants
SL..Aluminium wiring
HH tip...bath pillow
TUVALU - Being submerged, Oz refuses aid
SL Rope lights
HH Tips...glasses stuck together
NOOOOOOO! - Individually-wrapped slices of peanut butter
SL PaintingGalvanised
HH-tips pincushion of SOAP
HH tip video tapes
SL...time tables
SL - Kangaroos
WARMING - Storm clouds over climate talks
HHtip cooking if you have a bird
SL trim terms
HHtips phone calls
SL...Drywall hanging
SL summer trimming outside
SL hhtip storing grapefruit
GARDENING - Ground rules change
TIME TO PULL UP THE DRAWBRIDGE? - Global warming compensation
HHt Ice creams!
MCDONALD'S - You'll never guess what they're selling now
CLIMATE CHANGE - UK "hiding scale of changes needed"
WHALES - Pollution poses new threat
SL miter fears
HH tip
WARMING - Shrinks Peruvian glaciers
GARDENING - Good scents
GARDENING - Blanket weed, rhododendrons, old growbags {I heard that!), forsythia, ants
GARDENING - The plantsman's border
GARDENING - Astrantia
SL toilet repair
SL HH tip, creases in clothes
SL Ice maker woes
Garden Surprise
HH tips buying carrots
Window A/C units
SL - 100 countries agree to protect crop diversity
SL...Make Shift funnel
SL Recipe Link
Poisonous Plants of North Carolina
SL handy tool
H.H. tip
GRDENING - In the gutter? High-rise gardening.
GARDENING - The Traditional Border
GARDENING - Natural predators
SL painting fences
Tip..bread buying for you shoppers
Safety alerts....recalls
PASCO, WA - Residents ordered to water lawns
SL - setting fence posts!
Household Tip - Rings on furniture
Camping anyone???
Food Macadamia Nuts
HH Tip picture molding
AMAZON RAINFOREST - Irreversible damage within a decade
GARDENING - Disguising unsightly necessities
GARDENING - Columbines, cranesbill geraniums, golden elder (sambucus sp.), ornamental gourdss
GARDENING - Fairy rings, Epsom salts, herbs, camellia problems, green haze, sweet potatoes
GARDENING - Oenothera proves promiscuous
GARDENING - Close gaps with colorful annuals
SL floor sanding
HH Tip traveling????
Time Flies
WATER - New way to conserve
Household Tip..going to the beach!
SL cleaning tip..car care
FOOD - ADA recipe for pesto roasted potatoes
SL..tool tip!!! IMP.
FOOD - Lettuce recipes
GARDENING - The exotic border
GARDENING - The modern border
SL tip for postcards....
SL tip for hanging things...
FOOD - Barbecue tips for the summer
RECIPE - Jam Butty
SL finding the leak
SL Summer fun
From my garden to share with you....
Gardening "Gramma's Garden" chicken soup story
Faucet tips
ENV - Action urged to stop desert sands
[Oh Sht] Judge Rules Tyson Must Uphold IBP Buyout
FOOD - Canned Godzilla
SL old, ripe bananas
TALIBAN - UN to stop bread distribution
GARDENING - Felling trees (Leyland cypress)
GARDENING - How to work with swamp plants
GARDENER - Cliffhanger tending
GARDENING - The language of flowers
More Photo albums......
POLLUTION - Candles and incense are big culprits
Water Heater tip
SL more deck maintenance
S.L. tip for Sap removal
GARDENING - rescuing evergreens, basil, paths, slugs
Pencil tips
Cleaning oil spots on driveway
SL....Plumbing problems
SL tip moss on bricks
SL deck treatment
SL tip ripen melons
Sl tip lead paint
PET SUBJECTS - Helpful cats, roof noises, dogs on the bed
GDNG - Honeysuckle
BIENNIALS - The more you pick, the more they flower
THORNY PROBLEMS - bay tree, coastal balcony plants, murky ponds, rhubarb
GDNG - Foolproof border
Pet care...Choke chains
S.L. Battery Care
CHINA - Warnings of grave environmental degradation
SL - Putty Sticks
RAISING GOATS - A path to tranquility
Bringing You Feng Shui
Water Storage problems? Maybe this will help...
Are you feeling sick?
S.L. cleaning tips
S.L. Quick Strip
Safety alerts
Don't hold the MAYO
BEES - Encourage them
WARMING - Arctic getting greener
AIR POLLUTION - The view from space
SL laundry tip
SL rose tip
The Truth About Radar Detectors
POLLUTION - Why you should rip out your lawn
Tip knitting a gift?
SL...tip stir stick
GLOBAL WARMING - Explorer Says Arctic Ice Thinning Noticeably
GARDENING - Flowering shrubs--waterfalls of color
GARDENING - Oriental poppies
GARDENING - Titania's garden, transplanting bulbs, mending a birdbath, overkill on aphid spray
Garden ...herbal jungle
SL...Setting Cabinettes
ENV - Invasion of the Asian Shore Crab
SL tip
SL...House Noises
SL freeze proof your faucets
More flowers!
SL tip for lawn watering
SL...putty soft
ENV - UN launches program to save Great Apes
SAR01's north facing view from courtyard
SL...Hinge tip
CONTAINER GDNG - Oganic veggies
Foundation Clearence
Fun time!!!! bubble blast
COFFEE - Farmers face destitution
GARDENING - On the edge
SL How long are your nails
ENV - Destruction of Amazon rain forest on the rise again
BOTTLED WATER - Coke's Dasani is hogwash
[Preps] Buying fresh bread
TITAN ARUM (Amorphophallus titanum)- 'Mr. Stinky' set to bloom--and stink--again
Siding repair
Pet id's
WATER - Shrinking reserves: "People can survive power cuts and even live without oil...Water is another matter entirely"
FOOD - Scares boost organic sales
GARDENING - Don't be weather-beaten
GARDENING - Angelica
British ex-pats forum
Ceiling Fans
SL tip
UN calls for disposal of pesticide wastes
S.L. tip... roses
S,L. tip...bite me!!!
GARDENING - Pruning could deprive plant of its wisdom
GARDENING - Strawberries, bog plants, slugs, seed germination
GARDENING - North-facing town gardens
SL....asphalt sealing
SL tip summer chores
FOOD - Mouth-watering recipes
S.L. tips...selfcenterd bits
SL...painting tip
Energy - Rig campaigner learns to love Shell
Safety Alerts
GLOBAL WARMING - Don't work up sweat
SL - GM trial 'threatens organic center'
GARDENING - Primula Auricula
S.L. Safety Alerts
SL...Insulating Floors
ESSENTIAL PREPS - Why cheap beans don't make cheap coffee
ENV - Arctic's big melt challenged
SL.....Egg cartons and golf balls
SL...Electrical Upgrades
SL - Indonesian Forests face destruction
SL - Replacing a shingle
SL - Garage sales????
WATER - Judge Denies Oregon Farmers' Desperate Plea for Water
GARDENING - Taking a dig at makeover programmes
SL spring chores
SL...tip for lostfilm
PAGING - Gr8DaneDood
S.L........A.C. time of the year
Tip,... got a drippy cone?
SL - In Distrust of Movements
Garden - Link to SAR01's spring pictures
POITOU DONKEY - Just in case you're considering one
GARDEN - Cold frames
GARDEN - Lewisia (as in Lewis and Clark)--native Americans would barter a horse for a sackful
GARDENS - How does your garden grow?
CRIME - There is a garden crime wave in Britain
SL...home safety
HERBS - The edible lawn
Forest Gardening plan
CLINTON - Accused of secret meetings in federal forests case
THORNY PROBLEMS - Helen Yamm answers questions
CLIMATE CHANGE - How it kills societies (Hint: water)
SL...summer fun
SL...tip...spray paint
SL safety Glass
SL - Calling Bread-machine Bakers - recipe wanted
SL - Oh Give Me a Home, Where the Buffalo Roam
GLOBAL COOLING - Rsearchers say deforestation linked to
ARCTIC ICE - Not melting after all
SL - Tackle box tips
SL - good better best
SL Of Leeks And Men
EGG - The underestimated
ENV - Tortured Kyoto Data
PREPS - Is purple sparkle toenail polish on your list of essential preps???
SL....Packing for vacations????
SL...handy tip painting
SL latex paint leftover
GARDENING - silver lemon thyme, Mexican oregano, white-striped liriope
ENVIRONMENT - Bush shores up green image
S.L. builders lingo
SL tip Phone offers driving you crazy?
FOOD - Commodities markets
WATER - Bush to tighten arsenic standard
ORGANIC APPLES - win on taste and cost
S.L. Short cuts
SL. feed the birds
ENV - Ladybug population in decline
GARDENING - Tired iris, acer palmatum, problem cats, white bluebells
ENV - US snubs Blair's Deputy PM
SL...ring lost in drain?
Sl painting doors (bottoms)
SL tips handling hot foods.
BIRDS - How to encourage to your garden
Gifford ferry stranded by low water
ENV - Australians won't ratify Kyoto Treaty
PASTA - How to eat it making no mess
SL Steam your Veggies
S.L. Washer Hoses
4/14/01:WARMING - claims based on false data
GARDENING - hyacinths
GARDEN - Hardy hibiscus (pretty photos)
ARSENIC LEVELS - Who's really poisoning our drinking water?
WARMING - strongest evidence yet that man is responsible
Pictures of my "backyard". . .
Neat tip
SL Home Owners tool kit
WINE - Cold costing CA grape growers millions
FRONT-LOADERS - A new spin on doing your laundry
SL squeaky floors
WATER - Fla's wealthy, cruise ships, golf courses use millions of gallons a month
SUS LIV - Mining those mines for fish
FOOD - Darks secrets of the pleasure zone
SL things in the house!
WARMING - Prof. "Hurricane" Gray weighs in
ENV - Study says warming could fend off ice age
FOOD - Why do you tempt me so with your pork?
SL? garden delights for your shower
SL should you remodel before you sell
SL...cleaning tip for Microwaves
S.L. the background of your house
GDNG - Rhododendrons "brave little bushes"
Just a beautiful picture. . .
S.L. tips smoke alarms
Sus Liv. Wiring
SL epoxy anchors
9 best Seed picks for this year
Dust it, Mop it, or give it away!
Tips for cleanin
GDNG - clematis, cerinthe major, rabbits,
FOOD/ENV - What's so great about organic?
FOOD - Monsanto seed stocks destroyed by arson
S.L. Itch-alation
Plastic bags
Sus Living, polish the toaster
ENV Melting ice releases riddles on global warming
GDNG - Plant pots, chicory, rhubarb and kale
GDNG - Rain, rain go away--we want to garden! (Brooks?)
WATER - FL community fines homeowners for brown lawns
Pets - Barking dogs, left-pawed cats, disinfected cat, lab with hip problem
GDNG - Prunus 'Taihaku' ("glows...as if lit from inside")
Help needed with gardening problem
Sus Picking out 2x4's
Onion stink on hands
SUST - Seed Saving Links/Info
PREPS - Lots of posts...no discussion here
WINE - Argentinian wines
HLTH - AIDS crippling parts of Africa
SUS LIV. Dark shadows 2
Preps-- does DH or WW know what to do
SUS - US rejects global warming pact
How do you know that Spring has really arrived?
SUS - Living Mold?
SUS - Making a forest garden
SUST - Pesticide runoff control program out of money
SUSTAIN - Your dream come true--a duct tape sculpture contest!
SUSTAIN - Coral reefs return to Caribbean
Farmers urged to form alliances
SUS - TV screen need cleaning
Miami out of water in 4 to 6 weeks?
Sus liv. Air filter tip
Sustainable - EU presses Bush on global warming
Saving the salmon in the snake river
Indoor/outdoor gardening
Warning on Farmed salmon
Choosing a bread maker
Shortwave recievers
Honey/ how long does it keep?
Recipes from the pantry
SUS - Prep/Kindling Wood
Food/Cheese recipes
SUS - Food/make your own soft drinks
Food/Protecting crops with Kaolin
GND/the best time to prune
Green cure for pests
Winter-flowering pansies
ENV/Solvent leaking from vinyl-coated water mains
Homemade all purpose cleaner
Dear Santa....Chuckle
Protect your recipes
Bed Pillow Snowman
Candle holders for Christmas
Holidays season coming up
Fall Crafts
Fall crafts with pumpkins
Gentleman Ghost
Sust - Gdng - Primroses
Sus/Gdng - Things to do in your garden this weekend
Good Site for Organic Gardening
An online book on sustainable agricultural methods
SL: Bush's energy plan for the Northeast
Sustainable - Stock up on protein! Foot-and-Mouth Disease May Travel from Britain to the U.S. with Unsuspecting Tourists
What crafts interest you??
Walnut head family portrait
Fifty Ways to Love Your Partner
Roll away bench
Mommy, where do jack-o-lanterns come from?
Some Fall Decorating ideas
Bed of Roses
Cornhusk dolls
Craft shows
Frugal Crafting
Managing your time...to increase $$$$$$
Lavender Wands
Dish Towel Angel
Online Party Goods Sites
Craft Storage Idea
Apple wreath
Hand sewing ease
Our Thanksgiving Plans
Trim your grape vines!!!!
Tuna tins!
My mother's suet pudding
Rain Sticks
Stocking Stuffers
Keep the bounce in your Yarn
Gifts from nature
Modern Sleighbed
Crafts...what fun
Stepping Stones
What's your favorite craft
Please post all prep info in the Sustainable Living category
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