im having problem to make chapters work in my dvd-player! : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

ive made some chapters to my vcd-movie with a neat menu in the latest nero program, and i burned it on a cd-r. the burning process went on fine, so i tried it on my dvd-player, but i cant pick the chapters i made for it. the only thing i can do is change pages and look at the chapters, but not pick any of them. and the only way to start up the complete movie is to press title, any other button just doesnt get any response - that circle with a line in it appears, just if the menu is just a picture with pages. they arent interactive, i think. did i do something wrong when making chapters in nerovision express 3? maybe its my dvd-player that isnt functionally because i can pick chapters in my computers dvd, though

-- Mike (, February 03, 2005


I have Nero, but I have never used Nero Vision Express, which is what I think you are using to make chapters. I can tell you that Nero does not make VCDs that fully comply with the specifications for such discs. Your chapters may not work because Nero isn't making them "by the book" and your DVD player may need them to be made in accordance with specs. VCDEasy ( can be used to make entry points ("entry points" is the correct term in VCD for what you call "chapters") that should be recognized by any standalone DVD player. VCDs made with VCDEasy will fully comply with the specifications for making VCDs.

-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), February 04, 2005.

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