Thỉnh nguyện thư cho Lê thị Hồng Liê : LUSENET : Vietnamese American Society : One Thread |
Các bạn chú ư :
1) Gởi cho G. W. BUSH :
Các bạn hảy Copy lá thư này, rồi bỏ vào lá thư của các bạn, nhớ điền tên của các bạn ở dưới chử Signature trước khi gởi đi. Địa chỉ của Tổng Thống Bush là :
To the Honorable George W. Bush, President of the United States of America
Dear Mr. President
The International Convention on Human Rights is violated daily by the rulers of my country. I am writing to solemnly ask you to oblige Vietnam to respect this convention.
Currently, in the jail of Chi Hoa in Vietnam is a young schoolteacher, 21 years old, LE Thi Hong Lien. She was beaten savagely by the Vietnamese police, to the point where she could not recognize her father when he visited. Her only crime was being a Mennonite!! For more of information, you can listen to a conversation between the father of this young schoolteacher and a Radio Free Asia journalist. Please see the enclosed link to the RFA website concerning this conversation.
In the waiting for an intervention to save the life of this young schoolteacher and to oblige Vietnam respect human rights, I ask you to accept, Mr. President, the expression of my highest consideration.
2) Gởi cho Human Rights Watch :
Các bạn hảy Copy lá thư này, rồi bỏ vào lá thư của các bạn, nhớ điền tên của các bạn ở dưới chử Signature trước khi gởi đi. Địa chỉ của Human Rights Watch là:
To the Human Rights Watch's President
Dear Mr. President
The International Convention on Human Rights is violated daily by the rulers of my country. I am writing to solemnly ask you to oblige Vietnam to respect this convention.
Currently, in the jail of Chi Hoa in Vietnam is a young schoolteacher, 21 years old, LE Thi Hong Lien. She was beaten savagely by the Vietnamese police, to the point where she could not recognize her father when he visited. Her only crime was being a Mennonite!! For more of information, you can listen to a conversation between the father of this young schoolteacher and a Radio Free Asia journalist. Please see the enclosed link to the RFA website concerning this conversation.
In the waiting for an intervention to save the life of this young schoolteacher and to oblige Vietnam respect human rights, I ask you to accept, Mr. President, the expression of my highest consideration.
Đây là Audio uộc phỏng vấn cũa đài RFA...
-- Kẻ Sĩ Bắc Hà (, December 19, 2004