Savannah Rail Shops, any photos of the machine shop : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

I have been looking for any photos of the Savannah Roundhouse machine shop. I did find some photos at the Library of Congress, that were taken after the machine shop was about 75% collapsed. I have seen the shop in some old aerial photos, but only from one side really. Surely there are some photos somewhere of the machine shop. Better exterior views, and maybe some taken inside while it was operational... Anyone know where?

-- Chuck Harrington (, July 27, 2004


"If you could let me know exactly what you are planning to use the

images for (a model, rendering, etc.), I might be able to provide you

with more information.

Becki Harkness"

I am building a "likeness" of the the Savannah Roundhouse for my model railroad. In particular, I am looking for photos of the outside wall that faces the street, ie the back of the building. Wanting to see what any windows or doors looked like...

In addition, after making the trip from Orlando, FL three times last year to visit the Roundhouse and having joined both the Coastal Heritage Society and the Central of Georgia historical society, I have become very interested in the site. I find the machine shop in particular to be quite mysterious since it is for the most part totally gone, and there are few photos of it.

Any information would be greatly appreciated!

-- Chuck Harrington (, February 17, 2005.


At the Roundhouse Railroad Museum in Savannah, we do have a couple of views of the Machine Shop before it collapsed, and a few taken during various stages of collapse. Also, we have a few good aerials. There are no interior views taken during railroad operations that I'm aware of.

Unfortunately, we don't have any original drawings of the structure, but some of the photos are fairly detailed.

If you could let me know exactly what you are planning to use the images for (a model, rendering, etc.), I might be able to provide you with more information.

Becki Harkness Preservation Planner Coastal Heritage Society (912)651-6823

-- Becki Harkness (, February 17, 2005.

In Novemeber Savannah College of Art and Design released "The Savannah College of Art and Design's Restoration of an Architectural Heritage," about SCAD's efforts to restore and preserve 33 historic properties.

I have not seen the book but it is said to contain late 19th-century photographs of the Central of Georgia Railroad complex taken by pioneering female photographer Frances Benjamin Johnston. Maybe the machine shop is included.

The book was written by Maureen Burke and Connie Capozzola Pinkerton and it costs $19.95.

-- Ron. Wright (, December 06, 2004.

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