vcd : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I managed to make a good vcd and is played by the dvd player BUT the movie appears to close ,like it was zoomed .The top and the bottom of the movie doesent appear.What is the problem? Thank you in anticipation

-- semaka (, May 05, 2004


I am going to assume you are watching this on a television, and not a computer.

It sounds like you are having a problem with overscan. In a normal television picture, there is a small portion of the video that you don't see, on all sides of the picture.

You may have a problem with your television set, where the vertical size and linearity are misadjusted to the point where you are losing too much picture.

You may have a problem with how the DVD player is interpreting the video CD. If you're trying to play PAL video on an NTSC device, it may be showing the picture as-is, and not making adjustments for the difference in resolution.

My suggestions would be to try your DVD player and VCD on another television, and/or try your VCD on a different DVD player. Also, try a factory-made VCD and see if it works ok.

-- Bryan (, May 07, 2004.

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