tố cáo tội ác chiến tranh của Congsan ở Việt Namgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Vietnamese American Society : One Thread |
Báo Ngoai quoc tố cáo tội ác chiến tranh của Congsan ở Việt Nam Tạp chí "Tấm gương" của Đức ngày 17.4 đăng phóng sự điều tra mang tên "Tội ác chiến tranh ở Việt Nam" của báo "Toledo Blade", một tờ báo có uy tín ở Mỹ đã đoạt "Giải thưởng báo chí Pulitzer" năm nay về thể loại báo chí điều tra, trong đó tố cáo những tội ác man rợ của một đơn vị Congsan đối với dân thường Việt Nam năm 1967.Theo "Tấm gương", ba phóng viên báo "Toledo Blade" gồm Joe Mahr, Michael Sallah, Mitch Weiss đã tiến hành một cuộc điều tra kéo dài 8 tháng nghiên cứu các hồ sơ, tài liệu mật của quân đội Mỹ đồng thời gặp gỡ, phỏng vấn những người liên quan, qua đó khám phá ra những sự thật tàn bạo của lính Congsan: Năm 1967, một đơn vị Congsan mang tên "Lực lượng giai phong " đã tới tỉnh Quảng Ngãi và giết hại hàng trăm dân thường Việt Nam.
Phóng sự nêu rõ: "Phụ nữ và trẻ em nấp trong hầm bị lính Congsan cố tình ném lựu đạn vào giết chết. Nhiều nông dân cao tuổi đang làm việc trên đồng bị vô cớ bắn chết. Những người bị bắt thì bị tra tấn và hành hình dã man - cắt tai và lột da đầu. Có tên đã giết chết một thiếu niên để lấy một đôi giày thể thao, bẻ răng nạn nhân đã bị giết chết để cạy răng vàng... ."
Bài báo cho biết: "Nhiều binh lính của đơn vị này biết rằng những hành vi như vậy là sai trái, nhưng vì sợ cấp trên nên đã im lặng. Nhiều người thú nhận mặc dù mấy chục năm đã trôi qua, nhưng họ không thể ngủ yên vì những tội ác mà đơn vị của họ đã gây ra.".
Theo VOV
-- lu cho chet (vietnam_congsan@yahoo.com), April 20, 2004
Hi all,Where did "lu cho chet" get that info about 1967 incident? Here is what you can share with the writers involving with Colonel Hackworth's activities during Vietnam war... ==================================================
America's elite Tiger Force 'slaughtered civilians in Vietnam' LOS ANGELES - An elite American military unit killed and mutilated hundreds of unarmed civilians, tortured prisoners and severed ears and scalps for souvenirs during the Vietnam war, according to a newspaper investigation.
The unit, Tiger Force, was sent on a six-month spying operation in areas controlled by the North Vietnamese. Members of the unit have revealed details of a rampage that began in May 1967 in which they dropped grenades into bunkers where villagers, including women and children, were hiding. Details of the unit's activities surfaced after an eight-month investigation by an American newspaper, The Blade, in Toledo, Ohio, that interviewed all but two of the unit's surviving members as well as Vietnamese witnesses. It also reviewed thousands of recently declassified documents.
If accounts of the atrocities are accurate, it would be one of the worst documented cases of war crimes committed by American soldiers. One member of the unit, William Doyle, a former sergeant, said he had killed so many civilians that he had lost count. "We didn't expect to live. Nobody out there with any brains expected to live," he said.
"The way to live is to kill because you don't have to worry about anybody who's dead." The newspaper found that the army had investigated Tiger Force for four and a half years and identified 18 soldiers who committed war crimes. The investigation's findings were sent to the defence secretary in 1975 and reports on its progress were passed on to the White House but no charges were filed. The soldiers who were under suspicion of committing war crimes were instead allowed to resign, it is alleged.
The official inquiry found 27 soldiers in the 45-man paratrooper unit who said the severing of ears from dead Vietnamese was routine. "There was a period when just about everyone had a necklace of ears," said Larry Cottingham, the platoon medic. The allegations include an incident in which the unit's field commander, Lt James Hawkins, shot dead an elderly carpenter who was pleading for his life.
Two soldiers who tried to stop the attacks were warned by their superiors to stay quiet and were then transferred to another unit. Vietnamese who witnessed the attacks told The Blade that they had dug dozens of mass graves. The atrocities were carried out the year before the infamous My Lai massacre in which an army unit killed around 500 civilians.
The Pentagon said yesterday it had no plans to re-open the investigation into the allegations.
By Oliver Poole - The telegraph (.uk) - October 21, 2003.
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-- Colonel Hackworth David (Witness@yahoo.com), April 20, 2004.
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--------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- © Copyright 1996-2004 by David H. Hackworth All Rights Reserved
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Updated: April 19, 2004 7:15
Defending America Hack's Weekly Column 04-19-2004 Flunking the Combat Task - By David H. Hackworth, DefenseWatch Senior Military Columnist Two weeks ago, with good-to-go freshly stamped on the soldiers’ foreheads, the 2nd Battalion from the recently rebuilt Iraqi army (IAF) was tasked with assisting our hard-pressed Marines in Fallujah. As the convoy, accompanied by a U.S. Marine advisory team, was rolling toward the sound of gunfire, it was ambushed in the outskirts of Baghdad – where it flunked its baptismal test of fire.
More DA Articles
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- DA Reader Feedback Readers Respond To Hack's Columns Archive Submit Feedback 04-19-2004 Readers React to Hack on ARVN They are worthy of support and have a stake in the end result. They are staunch Allies, loyal to the Coalition and have been held back by the Bremer Boy Scouts that sadly underestimated the reality in Iraq. We have no better friends in Iraq than the Kurds. They found and eliminated al Qaeda camps in their area of influence and supported the 173rd troopers up North when they dropped in.
04-05-2004 XM-8: At Last, Maybe, A Decent Rifle The problem Hackworth referred to in Somalia with Task Force Ranger came from the fact that the rounds are a FMJ type round which does no damage other than making a nice small hole on entry and exit (albeit it has high velocity). Had the soldiers been able to use JHP type rounds they would not have had such a problem.
03-29-2004 Readers Respond to Hackworth on Leaders Putting a lieutenant in a sink-or-swim PL position forces him to use skills he does not have and will not need in his subsequent assignments. Starting him out as an XO, on the other hand, gets him working as an officer from the beginning of his career.
03-26-2004 Protective Vests I first became aware of this issue when my son went to Iraq last year. I was appalled that this country would asked these brave troopers to go in harms way without the basis necessities of modern warfare.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- A radical departure? Absolutely. But far better than the radical departure of our grunts from Planet Earth Readers Respond To Hack's In Search of a Ulysses Article
03-31-2004 Ulysses: Marine Major Sounds Off Much of your article dealt with lieutenants. Much of the feed back posted on your website bashed them and how little they knew. Of course lieutenants don't know a lot about their MOS, they are new. But what they do know is leadership, the principles that have been ingrained in them since they set foot at OCS and continue to this very day.
03-17-2004 More Reader Reaction My ROTC instructors tried to pass on important lessons but were constrained by limited training time, resources, and especially curriculum set down by Cadet Command. The culture for the last several years has been quantity, regardless of how useless the LT. is. I was disgusted to see LT’s sitting next to me at our commission ceremony who I knew attended barely half the training and were still allowed to finish.
03-15-2004 More Responses to Hack on Poor Leaders I am a 2LT (with four years prior enlisted time) who graduated from Officer Basic Course in January and am now in a Combat Support job in the middle of Iraq for the next year. My ROTC instructors tried to pass on important lessons, however, they were constrained by training time, resources and Cadet Command’s policies demanding quantity. Sitting next to me at my commission ceremony were LTs who I knew attended only half the training events, yet they were allowed to commission.
03-12-2004 Readers Debate Hack on Good Leaders A lot of the leaders of today have sadly not learned how to groom their subordinates to take over and the art of delegation. Yes, soldiers will make mistakes when they are training but this is how they learn. Some officers need to get rid of the zero-defect mentality. Some officers and NCOs in my opinion pin the rank on and think it imbues them with absolute authority and godlike powers and they can abuse those junior to them at will.
03-12-2004 True Leadership Thank God for the NCO Corps! Your idea of having junior officers trained and mentored by an senior / experienced NCOs is great. I did the same in my four companies, nearly. My platoon sergeants were great leaders and were critical in helping train the lieutenants I had that showed promise and in helping me weed out those that were better suited for civilian careers.
03-11-2004 Right On! I just got finished reading your latest article, "In search of Ulysses," and I feel that you are right. Being an Army ROTC cadet, I feel that the Army training procedures and requirements for army officers are substandard. I don't like how the officer school, now named "Warrior Forge," is nothing more than a 32 day long field training exercise. The cadets are not pushed to physical extremes, nor are they placed in stressful environments.
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Major Vandergriff’s Brave Call To Blow Up The US Army Personnel System And Start All Over Again Readers Respond to Hack's Article: Memo to the Army Chief of Staff
02-11-2004 Burdens of Command I just finished reading an excerpt from Major Vandergriff's "360" theory on army OER, after of course reading your editorial to the Army chief of Staff. OOPS I shouldn't say editorial, point of fact is more correct. Anyway, between you and the major you’re right on the money.
02-08-2004 The System Is Broken Yes the 'system' is broken, first the 'stop-loss', while the SecDef was responding to the media regarding the shortage of personnel his response was reassuring that it was not.
02-08-2004 Medals, Tickets To Be Punched And Other Things I can say I strongly agree with your assessment of Army leadership in your most recent article/letter to GEN Schoomaker. Too many leaders spend too much time worrying about their careers.
02-08-2004 The Unqualified Leading The Qualfied Sad we have all the best and brightest being led by what now appears to be the dimmest and most inept.
02-08-2004 Leaderless At The Top The good major may as well piss up a rope or attack a windmill with a laser pointer than make any impression with them brass hats.
02-08-2004 Filling The Wrong Square A great and truthful article. The problem with today's military (not at the bottom where the fighters are) is "Square Filling."
More Reader Feedback
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- The Art of War & Other Important Matters Archive Search 04-19-2004 Self Inflicted Wounds GW BUSH during a recent visit with Israeli prime minister A Sharon suddenly announced that the US will accept an Israeli peace plan- the plan, more a war plan, calls for Israel to pull out from Gaza-- but Israel continues to control airspace over Gaza-Israel will also will control border check points and sea coast.
04-18-2004 Strategic Impalement No exit strategy means that you are stuck in a place--if you finally decide to say screw it and depart you may end up scrambling on to helicopters off the top of embassy buildings and dumping helicopters off over packed aircraft carrier decks into the ocean--not pretty-it is called defeat.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Bringing the Awards System Back to Reality The original premise of the American system of Military awards, as it progressed from the institution of a Medal of Honor during the Civil War through its expansion during and between the two World Wars, was to recognize bravery in combat, participation in campaigns and some few acts of outstanding planning and leadership in warfare. From that original intent, it has become so bloated as to be almost meaningless. It is not unusual for a service member to complete a first enlistment with four rows of ribbons, or for a service member with a few tours in, but no combat service, to wear multiple personal decorations. Full Story --------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- AFA Scandals Confirm Senate Oversight Failure Last year, Sen. John Warner, R-VA, reacted with shock and outrage to the Air Force Academy’s latest wave of sexual misconduct scandals. That response suggests that he did not have the slightest clue about the problems’ underlying source: the fundamental leadership failures that continue to plague that troubled campus. In numerous public appearances, former female cadets forcefully declared that the Air Force continues to play damage-control games rather than deal forthrightly with the systemic problems they had experienced first- hand at “Falcon U.†Full Story --------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------
The March of the Porcelain Soldiers Nothing is more basic than Basic Combat Training. Basic to the ways of war. Basic to national security. Basic to the very survival of the United States. So how come Fort Jackson, the single largest producer of Basic grunts, male and female, is under the command of a general who piled up more friendly fire casualties than anyone else in Desert Storm? Full Story | Reader Feedback
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- A Pilot's View Of One Of The Worst Days Of My Life At 0500, March 25, 1969, the 191st Assault Helicopter Company Operations Center was buzzing with activity. Dong Tam Meteorologists promised a hot day, with air so thin that pilots would be squeezing the guts out of their old birds to lift normal combat loads. Workhorse that it was, nothing could 'de-nut' a Huey's lift capacity more than tropical heat, and Vietnam was cursed with a triple dose. Extra hot days jacked-up the "pucker-factor" of even the most experienced 191 Pilots; "the Boomerangs." Full Story --------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------
"Three out of four booby traps employed trip wires attached to grenades. Of these, the majority were Red Chinese. Nineteen percent of the mines and booby traps came from dud U.S. bombs and shells, the explosive material scraped out and then placed in C-ration or coffee cans careless GIs left behind." --Col. David Hackworth STEEL MY SOLDIERS’ HEARTS
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Book Q&A with Hack
SMSH Feedback: Comments from Grunts
Maxim Magazine
Reviewed by Steven Lee Beeber "Tougher than a one-dollar steak and madder than John Wayne at a peace rally..." Full Review and Others
"A riveting, candid, and hard-hitting combat narrative by one of the top few brilliant battlefield leaders in the history of the U.S. Army. Hackworth took over an ineffective infantry battalion in the 1969 "withdrawal" Army and turned it into a superb, proud and aggressive fighting unit against an unseen, hit-and-run enemy. What he learned and how he fought could be useful in Afghanistan against the guerrilla enemy faced by Free World Forces. Outstanding!" -- Harold G. Moore Lt. General, (U.S. Army, Ret.) Bestselling Co-author of WE WERE SOLDIERS ONCE ...AND YOUNG
Order Your Autographed Copy Today! $30.00
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Please pass the word and tell pals about the signings. Will also sign previous purchased books so bring em along if you want a John Hancock.
Band of Brothers For The Vietnam Generation
Colonel David H. Hackworth, one of America's most decorated soldiers, lays bare his most daring and legendary tour of duty.
1966 With a full year of Vietnam combat and five months of intense in- country after-action analysis under his pistol belt, Hackworth pens the classic tactical handbook Vietnam Primer with military historian Samuel Marshall. In a radical shift from the World War II-era tactics then employed in Vietnam, Hackworth stresses the necessity of using disciplined, small units of well-trained men to best fight the hit-and-run warfare of the elusive Viet Cong. "Out-G-ing the G," he called his tactics.
1969 Hackworth's expertise lands him back in Vietnam. The Army's clear- put up or shut up. Given the "hopeless" 4/39th-an infantry battalion of poorly led draftees with one of the Army's worst casualty rates- Hackworth leads from up front and finds the best in every one of his grunts. Together they take a page from the VC, write their own book, and become the meanest in the Mekong Delta-the Hardcore Recondos.
2002 With the U.S. again facing elusive insurgent foes-and the hit-and- run tactics of the international terror networks we're presently up against-the 4/39 Hardcore Battalion's successes provide hard-won lessons-learned that are more applicable now than ever.
A tour de force of front-line combat action, STEEL MY SOLDIERS' HEARTS takes readers alongside sniper missions, into grunt ambush actions, above fields of fire with hard-hitting helicopter strikes, and inside the quagmire of command politics. Hackworth graduates the Mekong Delta brotherhood into the pantheon of our nation's most heroic and effective warriors.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- David H. Hackworth
Currently a syndicated columnist for King Features (Defending America), David Hackworth is co-author of the 1989 international best seller, About Face subtitled,The Odyssey of an American Warrior and the subsequent Brave Men.
He also co-authored the Vietnam Primer -- the fighting man's bible for guerrilla warfare in Vietnam which was published by the Pentagon and used as a training manual during the Vietnam War -- and Hazardous Duty which has been a best seller all around America and is still on the shelves in paperback.
Hack's most recent book, Steel My Soldiers' Hearts Buy Now, has been a best seller around the nation. Go here for details or wait and see the movie. Lot's of excellent insights from readers can be found here.
These pages are designed to introduce you to Colonel Hackworth and keep you up to date with his writings and personal mission to: "ensure that American troops are never put in harm's way without the right training, the right equipment, the right leadership, and the right mission." more
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Hack on TV
stay tuned...
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- IT'S HERE!!
The VIETNAM PRIMER is now available for shipping in a new updated edition, which includes two chapters of STEEL MY SOLDIERS' HEARTS
BULK ORDERS We’ve received many bulk orders for the primer from combat units. New SOP: 10 copies or more $11.00 a pop. This special price includes shipping & autograph by the man.
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HACK'S CALL TO ACTION SFTT has become a full-time, results-oriented, reform-delivering outfit that’s causing serious changes in our military by constantly pushing to get our troops the right gear, the right leadership and the right training.
The hot skinny from the troops and our ahead-of-the-pack reporting keeps us running and gunning, fighting for our grunts every step of the way.
We get over 60,000 hits every week; if just 50% of our readers contributed thirty bucks a year we’d have the budget we need to keep speaking out even more effectively. But this isn’t the case, so I continue to beg. Believe me, I hate begging--but if I didn’t beg we’d go under.
The last time SFTT got into financial trouble and almost bellied-up, the faithful rallied and in just a few days sent in over $47,000 to keep us going. And once again we’re asking all of you to contribute that $30 a year for SFTT, which would keep us afloat and hopefully help us move ahead into deeper waters.
A few readers of Defense Watch contribute a grand or more a year; some cough up the thirty bucks, but most of you toss in zilch. So why not get with the program and take the heartburn and stops and starts out of our fundraising efforts by showing a more consistent level of support before bankruptcy again comes knocking?
Donations are our lifeblood, and any of you who access the website on a regular basis should do your best to help out. Beginning with those of you who don’t contribute regularly as well as those of you with the wherewithal to contribute more. Our warriors are out there fighting for us around the world--and they need the ongoing support of each and every one of us!
-- Hack
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The U.S. Army: An Unavoidable Challenge
The US Army is pursuing the most comprehensive transformation of its forces since the early years of WWII. Army Transformation is nested within and dependent upon joint transformation, guided by the mandates embodied within strategic policy documents such as the National Military Strategy, Defense Planning Guidance, and the Quadrennial Defense Review. These sources unequivocally assert the critical role of landpower to dominate the highly complex land environment that comprises the heart of most joint operations and affirm an enduring and unavoidable challenge in conflict to control terrain, people, and resources on land, where political authority resides. more
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04-20-2004 Marine SITRPT A day-long series of firefights began around 8 a.m. when a Marine patrol reported they were under fire by enemy forces wielding machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades.
04-19-2004 Wise Guidance For NG Units We need to activate our Guard combat brigades NOW for OIF3 and deploy them when we are ready NOT on some 20 year old training/MOB plan! We need to treat them like the regulars. We need to weed out the riff raff (both EMs, NCOs, and Os).
04-18-2004 A Captain Asks Hard Questions Sir, with all candor, I wonder if my government and I are on the same team. Their orators can instill a fighting spirit, but their actions leave gaping holes in the fabric of trust.
04-16-2004 Marine SITRPT Marines in the city witnessed an ambulance back up to a mosque inside Fallujah. Occupants from the vehicle subsequently carried weapons into the mosque. In a similar incident, another ambulance parked in front of a building and weapons were taken inside the structure.
04-16-2004 Learning From The Past I just read through an old article you wrote for SOF magazine about that EP-3 that landed on that Chinese island. I, also, am very impressed with the pilot controlling the aircraft with that amount of sudden & severe damage. I am thankful they are OK.
04-12-2004 SITRPT Iraq The fighting two nights ago was loud and widespread throughout the northern and northwestern parts of Baghdad ... areas such as Yarmouk, Sadr City had almost continuous gunfights and rocket attacks. When we heard US forces using the main gun on M-1 tanks at 1 AM we knew it was serious insurgency at hand.
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To access older news articles please visit the News Archive
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Know Your Enemy The Operational Code Of The Jihadists, a Briefing prepared for the Army Science Board View 256KB PowerPoint Slideshow Get Microsoft's FREE PowerPoint Viewer
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- A MUST READ The Size Of The U.S. Army A spot on article of what is wrong with our army and the fixes. Please copy and send to your lawmakers with a pencilled note demanding action – Am told this elite group of self serving takers do read these while the rest of the letters go to clerks. If we don’t get engaged and soon, our country will soon be a third world nation because of the extreme neo cons and their extreme liberal pals led by the corrupt multi nationals. - Hack
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Hack's DEFENDING AMERICA Column Hack's Defending America column is published in the SFTT DefenseWatch online magazine.
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Hack's Medal Flap with CBS In 1997, CBS News accused Hack of wearing a Ranger Tab and claiming an extra Distinguished Flying Cross on his web site. Hack had the Department of the Army audit his military honors. Here are the results of their study. Decide for yourself who is the liar. more
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Investor's Business Daily Article Col. David Hackworth - Led with courage and the force of his own intelligence. more
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- The Wolfhound Raiders
I've had scores of requests for information on the Wolfhound Raiders that were formed and fought in the Korean War. Here is an extract from Gung Ho magazine and two chapters from ABOUT FACE that cover the Raiders during the Korean War. more
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- The 'Fake' File F A K E : Muskegon Fire Chief Exposed as Phony SEAL It never ceases to amaze us the depths some people will go to in order to present themselves to the world as something they are not. In this instance, Patrick Laverne Simpson managed to get himself hired back in 1995 as Fire Chief for the City of Muskegon, Michigan. He was the first Fire Chief hired from outside the department since it was formed in 1873. On his application he stated he was a former Navy SEAL and had a Master’s Degree. Full Story
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- F A K E : Johnson, James Dearing VeriSEAL is continuing its investigation into the false military claims of 48 year old James Dearing Johnson of Rocky Mount, North Carolina. Johnson, an insurance adjuster and former car salesman has misled over a dozen women by claiming to be an active duty Navy SEAL deployed to Afghanistan in March 2003 as part of Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF). Full Story
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- F A K E : WGA Leader's Background Is Questioned Inquiries by The Times to the Army and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign were made after a number of writers both in e-mails and on the Internet questioned details of Holland's widely publicized past. The queries confirmed that Holland served in the military and graduated from the school. But records provided by the Army and the university showed no evidence of Special Forces service or of a college football career. Full Story
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More 'Fake' File Articles List of DSC, NC and MOH Recipients
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Infantryman's Prayer This prayer was sent in to us just recently. We believe it to be worthwhile to post and offer it for wider circulation. more
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- Your Local Paper Hack's weekly column reaches an audience of over ten million folks. If you're game to try to have it printed in your local paper, we suggest that you send a snail mail letter to your editor or publisher along the following lines: more
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"The hope of freedom depends in real measure upon our strength, our heart, and our wisdom. We must be strong in arms....We must be devoted with all our hearts to the values we defend." President and General Dwight D. Eisenhower
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The Wall The area around him was devoid of wind and snow, as if the Wall created a sheltered harbor from the storm. He was staring at one panel, at a spot about chest high. Upon my approach, he said to no one in particular, "Goddamn bastards are doing it again." more
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A Tribute To All Who Served You were there, and you were bloodied. Our world, outside the band of brothers who served, has never seen what we were fighting against and know what we were fighting for. The journalist, college students, and peace activists never realised the damage they were doing, or that all of them had freedoms because of what warriors, who paid the price, did to protect them. And you/we felt the defense of freedom, our domestic tranquility, and our way of life here in America was worthy of our fight. If you are a Veteran who served, all I can say is "Welcome Home" and "Semper Fi" you are worthy of our nation's support! After having been there, your world was never the same again!! View Flash Movie
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Lest We Forget more
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U.S. Military Oaths of Office
Enlisted Oath of Office for the U.S. Military:
, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.'' Commission Officer’s Oath for the U.S. Military:
, having been appointed a in the U.S. Army under the conditions indicated in this document, do accept such appointment and do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter, so help me God.†--------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------
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-- Colonel Hackworth David (Witness@yahoo.com), April 20, 2004.
hey Colonel, do you think everyone will spend time to comprehend all your fucking cheap shit propaganda ??
-- private fucking VC Ho Chi Men (vet@org.com), April 20, 2004.
Duma lu VNCH nay sao chung may re tien khon nan den vay? Day la cau chuyen ve Trung doi Manh Ho (Tiger force) thuoc 101 st Airborne Div cua US Army tan sat dan thuong o tinh Quang Nam-Quang Ngai trong thoi gian nam 1967 da bi bao chi Meo phanh phui. Tui may di doi ten don vi Meo thanh quan giai phong de thanh ra bai "to cao toi ac cs"? DM LU VNCH CHO CHET! Lu chung may la bon co hon da ban minh cho Tay-Meo de lay dollars (mac du no co deo ma may hay chi hai may cung no problems!). Den bay gio tui may cung van ra ra sua ang ang benh vuc cho vu tham sat Mylai cua tui Meo (Mac du chinh dan Meo va CP Meo deu nhan la toi ac cua linh Meo!) vay du biet tui bay la giong cho cho khong phai la nguoi VN. Neu CS cung tan ac phan dan hai nuoc nhu tui VNCH chung bay thi ho da thua ngay tu 1945 roi, dau co the nao gianh thang loi trong cuoc chien tranh 30 nam voi My va dung nen nuoc VN doc lap thong nhat nhu ngay nay? DA DAO NGUY QUAN HEN HA!
-- DU MA NGUY QUAN VNCH (VNCH@BUCACMEO.com), April 20, 2004.
Dua dich cho meo deo' co dollars xai con hon la Cai Nhuc nha? nhut' la con gai me may bu cac thang HO chi minh chang co 1 xu nao moi la` nhuc nha Hon luon ca cho luon thang trung quoc deo',,,,Lam than trau bo chang co xu nao ,,,,, ===============================================Cao loi ba con phai chuoi may thang viet cong ngu nay moi duoc ,,,noi chuyen dang hoan no khong hieu dau,,,lu cho' tui no song trong rung lau roi an can ba? cua Ho chi minh nen lu cho' tui no ngu dot lam'' ,,phai dung nhung tu tho tuc noi chuyen voi tui no' thi no moi hieu ,,,,,tui no deo me no hoai toi ngay nen dan don lam''
-- deome tui may lu ngu dot (vietnam_cong san@yahoo.com), April 20, 2004.
Please visit this website to clear what someone has tried to tell the truth:http://www.toledocitypaper.com/news/cityside.html
That is the American unit which was created by a former special force leader who was then lived in Australia: Col. David H. Hackworth.
Ghosts of Tiger Force Q & A with Pulitzer Prize Winners Michael Sallah and Mitch Weiss. - by Bill Frogameni On April 5, Michael Sallah, Mitch Weiss and Joe Mahr won the Pulitzer Prize for investigative journalism. Sallah and Weiss led The Blade’s 2003 investigative series that detailed the war crimes of Tiger Force, a U.S. Army unit in Vietnam. For eight months in 1967, Tiger Force members randomly killed civilians throughout the Quang Ngai province, just miles from the infamous My Lai massacre that happened later in 1968. The killings are estimated to be in the hundreds, possibly more than 1,000. The atrocities were reported to commanders at the time, but continued anyway. Our government spent years investigating, but the case was dropped during the Ford administration when, interestingly, Donald Rumsfeld was in his first term as defense secretary. No charges — or publicity — were ever brought. Thirty-six years after the fact, Sallah and Weiss, with help from Mahr and photographer Andy Morrison, helped change that. The investigation began in early 2003 after the reporters received 22 classified documents from a former Army colonel in failing health. Tiger Force continues to grab international attention even though several media outlets have noticeably neglected it. The Army, originally reluctant to act, is conducting a full investigation into Tiger Force and the cover-up. Sallah and Weiss are on leave from The Blade. They have an office at the University of Toledo, and they are working on a forthcoming book based on their series. TCP spoke with the authors before the Pulitzer was announced.
Toledo City Paper: Your story’s gotten worldwide attention, but it’s been marginalized somewhat. Mitch Weiss: A lot of the national news media have been ignoring the story. Many overlooked it until Peter Jennings did something on ABC.
TCP: Is it the usual “style over substance†problem? Michael Sallah: I think it’s mostly Iraq. When the story broke, the networks — other than ABC — seemed wary of being labeled “unpatrioticâ€. Media in general has taken lots of heat from the Bush administration for being too “negative.†If you’re going to upset the president, you want to do it over Iraq instead of Tiger Force. Another challenging aspect is that Donald Rumsfeld was also defense secretary under President Ford when the Tiger Force investigation was killed … I think the media’s scared of the potential complications.
TCP: With ample evidence and years of investigation, why weren’t the Tiger Force atrocities ever prosecuted or brought to light? Sallah: When the investigation ended in November 1975, Ford was president. We left Vietnam in 1973 and Saigon fell in April 1975. Our years in Vietnam already seemed for naught. The last thing the government wanted was to pour more salt on the wound. Weiss: It certainly wasn’t for lack of evidence. Another thing is that when the My Lai massacre was publicized in 1969, Nixon was quick to characterize that as an isolated incident and to paint American efforts as benevolent. Prosecuting Tiger Force would have made clear that the behavior at My Lai wasn’t isolated but actually routine for some troops. That’s terrible international PR.
TCP: Why did the onus of this story fall on a smaller Midwestern paper? Weiss: Journalism’s lost its edge. If you look back at the ’70s, journalism had a healthy adversarial quality. Now, with corporate consolidation in the media, you have Washington journalists more interested in getting invited to state dinners than investigative journalism. Independent papers like The Blade often have the wherewithal and economic freedom to do the job that’s traditionally been done by the majors.
TCP: Your series suggests other atrocities, like My Lai, might not have happened had the original complaints against Tiger Force been heeded. Sallah: These atrocities occurred in the same province — just 15 miles from My Lai. You basically had the same command structure in place. Tiger Force was reported to commanders eight months before My Lai happened in March 1968. I think the Army’s failure to act made it easier for My Lai to happen.
TCP: Reactions to your story have varied greatly. How’s it promoted healing for vets and/or victims? Weiss: Many vets we interviewed never talked about this before. Some had talked to counselors behind closed doors, but not openly. While what they took part in or witnessed was horrific, it felt good to finally get it off their chest. One vet said he’d been waiting for our call for over 30 years. In some cases, it’s helped healing. Healing’s occurred for some Vietnamese, too. I hate to use the word “closure,†but that’s happened. Sallah: For Vietnam vets, the reaction’s been very mixed. Many vets hated to see our series: they’ve combated a stereotype for many years and feared our series would reinforce that. Then again, many vets who walked the line and never stepped over it — vets our country owes enormous gratitude — they’re extremely upset by the few rogues we wrote about.
TCP: What do you hope happens because of your series? Sallah: It’s scary to me that our government could bury this. I’d like the Army to explain why it was covered up, who covered it up and exactly how they’ll prevent it from ever happening again. Weiss: I agree, but I’d also like to see one or two of the major living perpetrators brought back and symbolically busted down in rank and maybe have some of their pension stripped. It’s unlikely, but some prosecution would send a positive message to the world that we’re taking care of business at home. How can we prosecute Saddam Hussein when we won’t even prosecute our own war criminals? Bill Frogameni is a TCP senior freelance writer.
-- Col. David Hackworth (Witness@yahoo.com), April 21, 2004.
Con chuyen don vi cong san Bac Viet na dai phao 130 ly dat doc Truong son xuong dong bao bo chay ra khoi phia nam tinh Quang Tri sau khi Quang Tri bi Viet cong tan cong vao mua he 1972 ..da bien hon 10 cay so o quoc lo 1 nam Quang Tri thanh " Dai Lo kinh Hoang " voi day xac chet thuong dan va xe co..thi lam sao nhi? May ong cong san dau roi. Giai thich su viec nay di.
-- Tinh Co. (cosaonoidzay@yahoo.com), April 22, 2004.
To su may thang cho gian manh VNCH khong choi cai duoc chuyen noi lao ve Tiger Force thi lai chuyen sang "Dai lo kinh hoang". Thuc su la quan giai phong phao kich cac don vi cua SD3 BB Nguy dang thao chay nhu vit tren QL1 cung voi ho hang than nhan nha chung no (Vi bon quan nguy nay di toi dau la mang gia dinh vo con di cung theo toi do)nen chung may phai chet chum voi nhau la dung roi, con keu cai noi chi. Con nhung khi tui nguy quan chung may keo vao lang ban giet tan sat bua bai ba con roi keu la "chien thang viet cong" thi sao khong thay ke? Con vu Mylai tui linh My tan sat mot luc hon 500 thuong dan Vietnam bang nhung cach man ro nhat thi tai sao ca nuoc My, chinh phu My va nhan dan the gioi deu cho la toi ac chong lai loai nguoi ma lu VNCH cho chet chung may thi lai sua ang ang len de benh? So tui Meo no cat me tien tro cap that nghiep hay muon ra ve "Chong cong thu thiet" de Meo no cham chuoc cho con em chung may co jobs khoi that nghiep? Thuc ra thang Meo no cung khinh chung may nhu con diem thui chu nao co ra gi? Khon nan thay cho bon tan quan VNCH!
-- Da Dao Tan Quan Nguy Lua Dao (VNCH@Liarsforever.com), April 22, 2004.
HaHA Thang vem cho nay cai ngang tuc roi ,,,,tui may biet dach cho gi ma lai cai ngan buong' ,,,ve gan goc lai di con,,,,ve liem dit HOCHIMINH ma` cai tiep''
-- lu cho chet (vietnam_congsan@yahoo.com), April 22, 2004.
tien su cha con Vem dit do, cai lang` My lai toan` 1 lu dan ngu di theo tui. may bi. My ban cung la phai....bay gio` khong biet dam dan ngu do sang mat ra chua ???con` cai tiger force gi` do' , ban chet bon dan ngu an ba cong san thi cung nen lam khong co gi ma` hoi tiec
con` cai dai lo kinh hoang, may deo biet gi` thi tao day. cho may biet....SD3 la` su doan tan lap, khong kinh nghiem cho nen thoat chay. nhung SD 3 da vuot qua hang` phong thu cua TQLC truoc....roi dan chay theo sau vi dan qua' so bon moi ro. tui. may` .....tui. may` tuc vi khong truy kich su doan` 3 duoc nen tui. may` phao' vao dan .....moi ro tui. may` tieu nhan man dai. co tieng ....nen khong co gi` la ngac nhien
neu may khong tin loi tao noi thi may cu dao ma thang` Ho ra ma` hoi....hay la` may` keu vo may` di xin bao cao su cho thang` Giap' roi hoi no' luon 1 the ......
-- MA CO HO CHI MINH_TRAN DAN TIEN (MoiRoHoChiMinh@damtac.net), April 22, 2004.
CaÌc anh em hÆ¡i ồn aÌ€o quaÌ.ThêÌ-giÆ¡Ìi đều biêÌt rõ những chuyện naÌ€y; ngÆ°Æ¡Ì€i Ä‘oÌ£c chỉ tôn-troÌ£ng sÆ°Ì£- thật vaÌ€ kiÌnh nể những ngÆ°Æ¡Ì€i viêÌt căn cÆ°Ì vaÌ€o những sÆ°Ì£-kiện xảy ra Ä‘Æ°Æ¡Ì£c ghi laÌ£i theo Ä‘uÌng nguồn gôÌc Ä‘aÌng tin-cậy.
Hy-voÌ£ng diễn-Ä‘aÌ€n naÌ€y vẫn Ä‘Æ°Æ¡Ì£c duy-triÌ€ tôÌt Ä‘eÌ£p nhaÌ anh Admin. KiÌnh chaÌ€o quiÌ-viÌ£. Thay lÆ¡Ì€i Col. David H. Hackworth, nay kiÌnh.
-- Colonel Hackworth David (witness@yahoo.com), April 22, 2004.
LINK ... http://quockyvietnam.web1000.com/QuanTaiChonCoDo.htmlToi ac cua cong san con day ,,moi ba con vao doc va nhin xem
-- Nong bi dai' (vietnamcongsans@yahoo.com), June 18, 2004.
Marine Next to Remains of Viet Cong Soldier
The charred remains of a Viet Cong soldier lie amid rubble in street where a U.S. Marine stands on the alert for further confrontations with Communist forces. Hue, South Vietnam, February 17, 1968.
MOI BAN BAM VAO LINK !...http://www.vietnampix.com /fire8b.htm
-- Nong bi dai' (vietnamcongsans@yahoo.com), June 20, 2004.
i love the siteiwiil come by with answer
-- john maga (mumu2@yahoo.com), July 03, 2004.