XML Bulk Load Errors......

greenspun.com : LUSENET : DBAzine : One Thread

XML Bulk Load Help Needed Easy response I am sure.... The following is a snippet of XML that I am developing an Annotated XSD for use with XML Bulk Load into SQL Server 2000.

I can successfully map to 4th level elements i.e. 'root/businessEntity/dgrFund/endorsedFrom' but am unable to map to 5th level elements i.e. 'root/businessEntity/dgrFund/dgrFundName/organisationName'

Ther error I currentl receive using the following files is: Schema: unable to load schema 'Build_08.01.xsd'. An error occurred (Build_08.01.xsd#/schema[1]/element[position() = 1 and @name = 'businessEntity']/complexType[1]/sequence[1]/element[position() = 2 and @name = 'dgrFund']/complexType[1]/sequence[1]/element[position() = 1 and @name = 'dgrFundName/organisationName'] Error parsing 'dgrFundName/organisationName' as NCName datatype. A name contained an invalid character.).

Any help much appreciated!!

Sample XML Any Old Name 2000-06-14 Some Name Y 2000-07-01 0001-01-01

Snippet of Annotated Schema

-- JKJKJK (joseph.kobier@industry.gov.au), February 05, 2004

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