HELP- any upcomming raves in Dayton,Ohio??? : LUSENET : North Carolina Raves : One Thread

hey kids- ive been looking for a rave for a long time and cant find any in Dayton,Ohio!?!?! if anyone knows of any upcommong raves (on a friday or saturday) plz email me or write back ASAP!! me n my babygrl wanna rave*** plz help us out here. (we'd need directions also). thanks courtney a.k.a "kitty"

-- Anonymous, January 07, 2004


check midwest or you should find what you are looking there.keep it real!

-- Anonymous, January 27, 2004

go to and look up events or go to and look up events :) also you can check on in midwest i live in ohio and those are the sites I go to have fun

-- Anonymous, February 08, 2004

there's a fat ass rave in dayton on april 24th The hotline # is 937- 640-3537.

-- Anonymous, March 27, 2004

if you are looking 4 a rave in dayton just purchase a digweed album andturn the gas on your stove until you feel lightheaded...while flicking the lightswitch off and on ,of course.

-- Anonymous, September 11, 2004

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