Need big help mixing MPEG's and JPEG's in menus for Benq DVDgem with : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I've just bought a portable Benq DVDgem player and I have trouble reproducing the JPG's. I make VCD's that combine MPEG-1 clips and JPG stills. I use Nero 5.5 . All other DVD's reproduce then fine -- you click # 3 in the miniature menu and the player jumps to item #3, whether it's a JPG or an MPEG.BUT, with the Benq DVDgem, when I click 3 the player jumps to THE THIRD MPEG segment -- that is, it seems to ignore the JPGS, though they are there.
However, if from the first menu page I hit << (back), then it jumps to the LAST JPG -- it seems as if the JPG's where positioned, unnumbered, before the menus.
If anyone has a Benq DVDgem out there, could you please test this, by burning a CD with a few JPG's and MPEG-1, in mixed order, say: 1 - JPG 2 - MPEG 3 - JPG 4 - JPG 5 - MPEG and could you report how your player responds?
I've written to Benq, but they say it works fine with them. I've tried TWO Benq DVDgem players, and both have the same problem.
Thank you very much! I'd really appreciate your help, I need the VCD's for my job.
-- (, January 02, 2004
I can't help you with your problem, but I have a suggestion. Nero does not make VCDs that totally comply with VCD standards. That could be your problem. VCDeasy ( does make VCDs that comply with VCD standards and maybe you'll have better luck with that. I also wanted to say that I honestly don't know if the standards for VCD allow you to mix video and JPG stills together on the same disc.
-- Root (root@yahoo.moc), January 05, 2004.