defective eyesight,myopia... want a cure!!!! : LUSENET : : One Thread

Dear Doctor,

I'm a 23 year old female having myopia with a power of -6 on both my eyes.I have been precribed to wear glasses on a regular basis.But i don't wear them!! i use them occassionally only for distant reading.I recently got Dr .Agrawal's book "MInd and vision" and i went through it.i was extremely happy to see that there is a cure...contrary to what my doctors keep telling me! i'm unable to come to pondicherry to come and take the treatment in person.Please sir, Will u send by correspondence the list of things i need to do to improve my vision.After reading the book i have completely stopped using glasses......but i'm having diff seeing the computer since my power is high!! please me!!

waiting eagerly for your reply!

regards Krithika

-- krithika (, September 26, 2003


as a second opinion you might like to see this article:

please check above url and form your own opinion

ابو بكر الصديق رضي الله عنه خليفة الرسول الله بلا فصل

-- Kher Khwah (, October 16, 2003.

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