cpuinf 32 dll

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

when trying to burn vcd in ezcd creator i recieve message the dll cpuinf 32 can not be loaded. os repors the specified module could not be loaded, this also happens when trying to playback in windows media player 9. please can anyone help, i would be most gratefull.

-- kevin campbell (skipc@talk21.com), August 05, 2003


Please let me know if you've got the answer from someone. I asked MSN, but no results either.


-- Did you find a way to fix it? (belovarski@aol.com), November 17, 2003.

Download cpuid.dll from http://www.dllfiles.com/dllindex/index.shtml

For Win9.. including ME unzip and put in the Windows/System folder.

For 2000 and Xp unzip and put win Windows/System32 folder.

-- Guess (davemccolm@hotmail.com), January 08, 2004.

i wouldnt download anything from that site esp pc doctor . it rips your registry apart then you have to pay for a serial number to fix the problem, Then if you dont buy the serial and delete the pc doctor it takes files needed by your registry with it which leaves you with a need for a complete reinstall and format, DONT BE RIPPED OFF!!!!!! People like them create the problems in the first place and if you dont comply your comp gets trashed, Try upgrading MPLAYER if that doesnt work delete it and reinstall it from the microsoft home page,

-- chris (sacred_ways@yahoo.com), March 13, 2004.


-- Valent Kokot (valent.kokot@kc.hinet.hr), April 18, 2004.

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