Create foreign key's between two schema objects. : LUSENET : DBAzine : One Thread

Create foreign key's between two schema objects.

I am using Oracle 9.2.x. I am working on a project where I was instructed to create tables in 2 different schemas. I have to create foreign key's between those tables. Is it possible to create foreign key's between 2 schema objects ?. What previleges are required ?.

See below example:

report_data table is in appln_user schema. rep_id attrib_id (FK TO attribute_data.attrib_id) rep_type_id (FK TO rep_type.rep_type_id) rep_attrib_value rep_atrrib_comment rep_notes

attribute_data table is in config_data schema. attrib_id Attrib_code Attrib_desc

rep_type table is in config_data schema. rep_type_id rep_type_code rep_type_desc.


-- Reddy K S (, August 04, 2003

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