Mpegs and Titles on DVD : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have just bought a new DVD player that is capable of playing Mpegs...What gets me is the way the player totles the chapters....For instance,one music video in mpeg would have like 40 or 50 titles....When playing back there is a slight interruption between titles....On my computer the video is one file,on my dvd player it is in 50 parts....WHY? How can I fix it so it will be one?

Thanx Butch

-- Butch St.Peter (, May 21, 2003


If you're using nero, right click the title when its in the NEW box (preparing to turn it into a vcd) select properties and at the bottom there will be a PAUSE time, or delay time or what not, lower it to 1.... this will make a HUGE difference

-- Chris madson (, May 22, 2003.

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